ePrescribing Michael Peterson, Alysan Pohlmeyer, Cecilia (Sam) Ruffing, Ahmed Haque
ePrescribing Functional Requirements Product Shall Cross-Directionally and Electronically Transmit Prescription Data Through the SureScripts and RxHub Networks Reduce the risk of data entry errors. Increases workflow and reduces time required to refill prescriptions Product Shall be Certified by SureScripts and RxHub Works in accordance with industry-accepted standards for the electronic exchange of prescription data between physicians and pharmacies System Shall Check for drug-drug interaction Vital for patient safety System Shall Check for drug-allergy interaction Vital for patient safety
ePrescribing Functional Requirements System Shall Meet Requirements and Standards Released by HITSP and CCHIT Requirements for certification and compliance System Shall Comply with HIPAA Regulations Patient privacy, system security, and transaction processing System Shall Allow Nurse to Write Prescriptions and Physician to Confirm Electronically Prevents disruption of normal workflow System Shall Export Patient Data Ability to export historical data in a generalized format that can be imported into other systems
Information Architecture Commercial Pharmacy ADT Interface Engine MPI Standards-NCPDP, HL7 (ASC) X 12 SureScript Inpatient Pharmacy EHR Pharmacy Benefit Manager Physician Patient
Traditional Data flow for Prescriptions
Healthcare Data sources can connect to Patients, Physicians, PBMs, and Pharmacists
Complete Pharmacy Data Elements Available Through RxHub to Participants
E-Prescribing Transaction Flow
Improved workflow and access to information Most information originates in the RxHub Physician is linked to PBM Physician utilize real-time decision support to generate prescriptions RxHub has Master Person Index which already covers 200 million Americans
Data Set Flow Rx Order Data Set contains the order details to complete the dispensing process, including- authorizing provider, provider license number, location, date, medication, dose, quantity, SIG, route, controlled/non-controlled flag, formulary exception reason, reason for canceling, and order change requests etc. Dispensing Order Data Set retains the original order details and adds the dispensing details, including any changes made by a pharmacist, the identification of the pharmacist and demographic details of the dispensing pharmacy. Refill Request Data Set contains order data for the requested refill, as well as, any patient’s comments, the reason for request, and/or zero refill authorization message. Rx Order, Dispensing and Refill Request Data set contains order details for New, Refill, Cancelled and Changed orders
Data Set Flow Patient Information Data Set contains the patient’s name and demographics, benefits plan, eligibility criteria, status of eligibility, and plan formulary. Payer Data Set contains the claims, insurers formulary and confirmed eligibility status of the patient’s benefits for the pharmacies. Formulary Data Set contains the hospital’s IP formulary database which clinicians use at point of ordering. Alerts are configured within the Electronic Health Record and the IP Pharmacy System so no message interfaces were needed.
Data Set Flow