RMS Enhancement Project
Project Outline Objectives Governance Approach –Phases and Components –Delivery to date Funding Training
RMS Enhancement Project Objectives The overall aim of the project is to positively enhance the RMS to enable all users to engage with the system more effectively to meet the business needs of Hampshire Constabulary. The primary objectives to achieve this aim are –To improve end user (specifically operational front line staff) interaction with the RMS product by implementing changes to the RMS and associated business processes –To adapt the RMS product and associated business processes to meet legislative and organisational requirements –To enhance the performance of the RMS as a product –To improve the reporting capabilities of the RMS
RMS Enhancement Project Sources of Work Mentis Review Custody Review Neighbourhood Policing Other RMS-related Activity –Upgrades –NSIR / SNEN –Legislative and Doctrine Changes
RMS Enhancement Project Phase One –Neighbourhood Policing –NSIR and SNEN Changes –Data Quality –Reduction in Unnecessary Tasking –Intelligent Character Recognition for C12 –Custody Functionality and Performance –Ongoing Upgrade (v – v ) –Audit Capability –Disaster Recovery and Service Continuity –Roles Administration
RMS Enhancement Project Phase Two –Improved Searching –CYP Processes –User Support –MoPI –RMS User Interface –PRIME Interface –Property –Liquor Licensing –Photo Identification –Livescan Interface –ICR – further development –Socrates Interface –Updated CAD Interface –Information, data and capacity management
Funding Project Team –8 additional staff –Cost: £320,000 Training Commitment –4 additional staff –Cost £122,000 Intention to secure from 06/07 under spend
Training Resource Requirements Training Needs Training Materials Infrastructure Support Transfer to Business as Usual
Resource Requirements Training Coordinator 2 x Experienced RMS Trainers RMS Training Coordinator £122,000 to December 31 st 2007 Training...
Training Needs Analysis Staff Training –Initial Training –Post Changes –PCSOs Data Quality Unsatisfactory Performance Product Upgrades Training...
Training Materials Update from go-live version to current Refresh to benefit from lessons learned User education material –Training documentation –Intranet content –User documentation Update to upgrade version Training...
Infrastructure Support Training Environment Hardware –Client –Application –Database Training database refresh Initial Training Environment Coordination with support and live upgrades Training...
Transfer to Business as Usual Still learning but... Need to define how all this is adopted as BAU Medium term plan from June 2007 Training...
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