Juvenile Justice Funding in PA Rick Steele Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission Autumn Dickman Juvenile Law Center
Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Funding Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission - Grant-in-Aid - Specialized probation Services (SPS) - Training State (DPW) - Act 148 - Needs Based Budget Planning Local – County General Fund Federal - IV-E - TANF Use of Medical Assistance Funds - MA Realignment Process
TITLE V RISK-FOCUSED DELINQUENCY PREVENTION FUNDS Title V provides subgrants to units of local government for risk-focused prevention projects, with a matching rate of 50%. Projects/programs funded must be the result of a risk-focused assessment and planning process, such as Communities That Care.
FEDERAL BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM FUNDS The JJDPC receives a portion of the available JAG funds on an annual basis. Funds currently support projects under the following categories: - Balanced and Restorative Justice - Juvenile Prosecution and Defense Capacity Building - Gender Specific Services - Aftercare/Re-entry related programming
SAFE AND DRUG-FREE SCHOOLS/COMMUNITIES ACT (SDFSCA) FUNDS—GOVERNOR’S PORTION The state’s SDFSCA—Governor’s Portion allocation provides match-free grants for programs/projects that (1) prevent school violence/drug use; and (2) help schools and communities create safe, disciplined, and drug-free environments that support student academic achievement. Programs must emphasize the provision of services for youth not normally served by state/local educational agencies; and youth that need special services or additional resources—such as youth in detention facilities, runaway and homeless youth, school dropouts, pregnant and parenting youth, etc.
FEDERAL FUNDS THAT PASS THROUGH THE JJDPC Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) Program These funds require a 10% match. The JABG Program was created to encourage state and local governments to hold delinquent youths responsible for their offenses through accountability-based sanctions. Projects funded must address one or more of the 17 purpose areas under the JABG Program.
ENFORCING THE UNDERAGE DRINKING LAWS (EUDL) Pennsylvania’s EUDL allocations (Match-Free) are passed through from PCCD to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) and the PA State Police to support the “Campus/Community Underage Drinking Prevention Coalition Project.”
STATE FUNDS UNDER JJDPC JURISDICTION Research – Based Delinquency and Violence Prevention Funds (Match–Free for Years One and Two; 25% Match for Year Three; 50% Match for Year Four) Eligible Programs: Functional Family Therapy Multisystemic Therapy Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care The Incredible Years Olweus Bullying Prevention Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies Strengthening Families Program 10-14 Big Brothers/Big Sisters Life Skills Training Project Towards No Drug Abuse
EVIDENCE-BASED PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION FUNDS (FORMERLY PARTNERSHIP FOR SAFE CHILDREN) Funds will support: Resource Center for Evidence-Based Prevention and Intervention Programs and Practices CTC Training and Technical Assistance Additional support for Evidence-Based programs
FEDERAL JUVENILE JUSTICE FUNDING TRENDS FUNDING STREAM FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 JJDP Formula Grant $2,507,000 $2,444,000 $2,131,000 $2,204,937 $2,000,000 (estimated) Title V $559,000 $564,000 $56,250 $75,250 $58,075 JABG $1,672,400 $1,519,600 $1,329,600 $1,310,000 $1,400,000 SDFSCA $3,451,516 $3,438,788 $2,708,366 $2,275,000 JAG $9,589,916 $826,000 $413,000 $600,000 -0- $5,733,075 40% cut since 04’ 66% cut since 01’ The JJDPC may receive a portion of the FY-08 JAG $, Supplemental Bill Pending
10 Year History of OJJDP Federal Funding Cuts 64% cut in federal funds since FY 98-99, which equals $12,728,393
Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice System Reform Funding MacArthur Foundation’s Models for Change Initiative Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency - Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Committee (JJDPC) Non-Traditional Partners - Labor & Industry (federal/local) - Workforce Investment Dollars - Department of Education - Mental Health/Drug & Alcohol - Department of Aging
Other State Examples Florida Maryland Compact—legislation Evidence Based services Maryland Compact—legislation Re-investment of savings from successful implementation of Evidence Based Programs rather than placement.