Implementing a Workforce Development Model Special Initiative Project 2007 building the business processes, infrastructure and skills and knowledge of lecturing staff to work in Challenger’s 4th Paradigm for VET providers. establishing a network of practitioners engaged in establishing and maintaining relationships with industry or community partners with an aim to enhance the College’s capacity to offer more pro-active workforce development services including training needs analysis, skills recognition and workplace training and assessment. Through a range of networking opportunities over the next 6 months participants will be encouraged to share models and strategies from across Business Units.
4th Paradigm Understanding workforce development needs of the industry/community ecosystem Able to work across industry specialisations Exercises high degree of professional judgement and develop complex training systems Highly skilled professionals who improve/add to pedagogy frameworks Leadership capability Highly responsive and can deal with uncertainty Creative Has strategic networks Has strategic focus Entrepreneurship
What did all this mean? Recognizing opportunities that were about to present themselves. Changes to be introduced through Legislation. Hygiene for Food Handlers Responsible Service of Alcohol
Hygiene for Food Handlers Legislation Some states have introduced compulsory requirements for Food Handlers. It was anticipated that WA would follow suit very quickly. It hasn’t happened yet but will eventually.
Approach Local Council Environmental Health Officers Mandurah Council very receptive Cockburn Council Fremantle Council East Fremantle Council
Approach All licensed venues Clubs Pubs Sporting Bodies with licensed premises Liquor Stores Restaurants
What the project achieved Hygiene for Food Handlers We have offered it as a one day or self paced course, both in Fremantle and Mandurah. This year we would only have trained 10 people. We are in the process of a project at eTech to pilot the Self Paced version to run from the centre. Responsible Service of Alcohol Since starting RSA training June/ July of this year, Challenger TAFE would have trained close to 1000 individuals. We probably would have run close to 50 training sessions - Fee for Service and Profile training.
How the project outcomes were achieved because of your skill development All those that undertook the delivery of the Responsible Service of Alcohol Unit completed a training course with either the Australian Hotels Association or by a trainer that had completed the AHA course.
Where to now – will the project continue on? In what form? Hygiene for Food Handlers Course Continue with negotiations with councils. Responsible Service of Alcohol Continue with the promotion of the courses to the Liquor industry.
What has industry said about your project Hygiene for Food Handlers Councils still like to do their own delivery of Food Safety Course as they are dealing with the individual clients on a regular basis and they can tailor their training to the individual client needs.
Responsible Service of Alcohol Those that have used our services continue to enrol more students. Those that are not using us are happy with their current provision of training.