The Perfect Order 6 Program
Overview What’s the “Perfect Order 6 Program” How a Perfect Order can be achieved Who Can achieve and Participate in the “Perfect Order 6” Program Chart “Perfect Order 6” Setting Goals Marketing Campaign Tracking System Creating Competition Prizes Cons/How to overcome them
What’s the Perfect Order 6 Program The Perfect Order 6 is an upselling Program focuses in the A La Carte restaurants that will benefit the company and employees by; 1.Increasing Revenues 2.Increasing Guest Satisfaction Index 3.Increasing the Upselling Spirit 4.Increasing the Employees Motivation
How a Perfect Order 6 can be Achieved? A Perfect Order 6 can be achieved by making an in-house guest or walk-in customer, order a full meal from the a la carte menu. This means; two drinks, (e.g. soft drink, water, beer, wine, apperitif, cocktail), one appetizer, one main course, one dessert, one coffee and/or liquor Why 6? The up selling program’s named 6 as it takes 6 items to complete a perfect order
Who can participate All rank and file employees as well as the Restaurant Manager who are working in all a la carte restaurants will be able to participate.
Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y YessS N NO The guest does not order appetizer just Main Course YES NO Chart
Setting Goals When setting goals we have to take into consideration several factors: 1.Kick Off Date and Ending Date must be set 2.Goals have to be realistic 3.Goals have to be achievable 4.Goals have to be perceived that we as a company want to reward the Employees “Going The Extra Mile” 5.Goals have to be agreed with the GM or HM
Marketing Campaign As in any Up selling Program, Marketing is an fantastic tool used to sell a product better, therefore in order to catch the Employee’s attention and to make this program successfull we will take the following actions; Design some posters at least one week before the competition starts Poster should contain in first place what employees can be benefit of (e.g, win up to 100 LE more a month, Gift Certificate etc) starting and ending date, who is able to participate, what is the upselling program about, set goals by giving an example of how easy is to make it. Display posters in all back areas Managers have to be briefed in advance to ensure that they are aware of the program before is launched
Tracking System The most senior person in charge of the Restaurant will keep track of all the Perfect Orders 6 achieved after each meal period. Tracking System Sheet will shows, Restaurant’s Name, Employee Names, Number of Daily Perfect Orders, Restaurant Manager, F&B Manager, GM and FC signatures. All bills considered as Perfect Orders 6 must be filed and kept in a folder as a proof of the achievement. Once competition has been finalized must be sent to the F&B,GM and Financial Controller for signature Perfect Order Tracking System.xls
Creating Competition In order to create competition among the employees, the Tracking System Sheet will be displayed in the back of the house for the following purposes: 1.To allow employees to check on daily basis their current points 2.To create an environment of continuous competition 3.Allow employees to see each other points and desire to improve themselves
Prizes 1.The prizes suggested for the winner employee and manager may be 1.An amount of money 2.Gift Cerficate 3.Dinner for two in one of the restaurant within the hotel or outside 4.Certificate of Achievement for The Best Restaurant Seller and Best Supporting Manager.
Cons/How to Overcome them As in any up selling program Cons have to be taken into consideration, however Management explanations have to be standard and consistent from the very first day of the implementation ; Cons/Answer May create envy/Explain the employee the reason why of the implementation only in the a la carte restaurant Some employees may like to be transferred to an a la carte restaurant/Suggest the employee a PDP ( Performance Development Plan ) before his/her transfer is processed Demotivation/Explain the employee some other Up selling Projects will be developed in the near future
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