Q R PQ R PQ R PQ R P It’s how to spell “Fun”! Shel Radin KF0UR.


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Presentation transcript:

Q R PQ R PQ R PQ R P It’s how to spell “Fun”! Shel Radin KF0UR

Tonight’s Agenda What is QRP? What is QRP? Why would I use it? Why would I use it? What are some options? What are some options? What else should I know? What else should I know?

What is QRP? It’s not just “low power” It’s not just “low power” QRP is defined as QRP is defined as – 5 watts or less on CW –10 watts PEP or less on SSB QRPp is 1 watt or less QRPp is 1 watt or less

Why Use QRP? It’s an adventure It’s an adventure It’s different It’s different It’s a challenge It’s a challenge It’s something new to try It’s something new to try = It’s fun = It’s fun slogan: "Power is no substitute for skill” slogan: "Power is no substitute for skill”

QRP Rigs What’s a QRP Rig? What’s a QRP Rig? You’d be surprised at the variety… You’d be surprised at the variety…

There are big rigs… for home use Yaesu FT-9000 Icom 7800

There are medium rigs… typical for home or portable use Yaesu FT-897 Icom IC-735

There are small rigs… typical for home or portable use Elecraft K2 Kenwood TS-50 Yaesu FT-817

There are really small rigs… known as “trail friendly” Elecraft K2 SierraWilderness Oak Hills Research OHR 500

And then there are tiny rigs… very trail friendly Tuna Tin Yep…that is a “Chicken of the Sea” tuna can (tuna removed, hopefully )

Or if you prefer Altoids over Tuna… KD1JV’sATS-3

And for antennas… There are big antennas There are big antennas

There are smaller, portable antennas Buddipole Par End fed Zepp Force 12 Sigma 5 Sigma 5

PAC 12

Portable Homebrew HF Vertical

It’s what’s inside that counts Each extends to 6 feet

And if you put it together… 12’ when fully extended

QRP Suppliers Include: –Elecraft –Oak Hills Research –Small Wonder Labs –Wilderness Radio –Northern California QRP Club (Norcal) –Hendricks –Buddipole –Pacific Antenna –Force 12

What can you do with these? Just about anything you want. Just about anything you want. –The bigger rigs have all modes and bands –The medium rigs usually have them all, as well –The small rigs trade features for size  Elecraft KX-1: 20M, 30M, 40M, 80M CW only, 4 watts Very attainable goals Very attainable goals –Worked All States (WAS) –DX Century Club (DXCC) –Contesting (QRP entry)

QRP Organizations Adventure Radio Society Adventure Radio Society –Share triumphs and tribulations –Sponsors contests  Flight of the Bumblebee  Awards for “miles per watt” QRP Amateur Radio Club International QRP Amateur Radio Club International Northern California QRP Club (NorCal) Northern California QRP Club (NorCal) Colorado QRP Club Colorado QRP Club American QRP Club American QRP Club + More… + More…

But…I won’t be heard! Oh yes you will! Oh yes you will! Math class is now in session Consider… Consider… –One S unit on your receiver is 6 dB. –Halving your power is only a 3 db loss. –Quartering your power is 6 dB loss and therefore a one S unit difference. –Let me repeat that: using ¼ of your power reduces your signal only 1 S unit.

More Math (sorry…) –If a 100 watt signal is received as an S9, then –A 25 watt signal (¼ of 100 watts) will be S8 (-6 dB) –A 6.25 watt signal (¼ of 25 watts) will be S7 (-12 dB) –A 1.5 watt signal (¼ of 6.25 watts) will be S6 –A 5 watt signal will be just under S7

There are QRP Calling Frequencies (where to hang out to improve your odds) BandCWSSB Europe US Novice Europe US Novice US Novice

One more QRP difference Some QRPers sign with 72 instead of, or in addition to 73 when signing Some QRPers sign with 72 instead of, or in addition to 73 when signing –To acknowledge the QSO using QRP power –Kinda like a not-so-secret hand shake.

In Summary Try it from home by simply turning down your power Try it from home by simply turning down your power Try it from a park bench with your portable rig. Try it from a park bench with your portable rig. Try it from your car, if you have a mobile set-up. Try it from your car, if you have a mobile set-up. Enjoy another wonderful facet of our hobby! Enjoy another wonderful facet of our hobby!

Thanks for your time! C U on the air 72, Shel KF0UR