A CONVERSATION ON PUBLIC EDUCATION – A LOCAL PERSPECTIVE Maurice O. Green Superintendent, Guilford County Schools North Carolina Business Leaders May 31, 2012
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 GCS AT A G LANCE 40.8% 37.9% 11.2% 5.7% 3.7% 72,196 students (20 th day enrollment) Student Demographics
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 GCS D IVERSITY Student Demographics
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 K EY T RENDS Demographic Shifts - Kindergartners
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 K EY T RENDS Demographic Shifts – High School Seniors
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 OUR VISION: ACHIEVING EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 P ROGRESS R EPORT Achieving Educational Excellence ABCs Recognition – Honor/Schools of Excellence ABCs Recognition – Schools of Distinction ABCs Recognition – Low Performing Schools
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 G RADUATION R ATES 83.1% 77.9% GCS vs. NC 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rates
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 M IDDLE AND E ARLY C OLLEGES GCS MIDDLE AND EARLY COLLEGES NAME YEAR OPEN 2011 GRADUATION RATE 2011 ABC PERFORMANCE COMPOSITE 2011 ABC DESIGNATION Greensboro College Middle College %94.1%School of Excellence The Early College at Guilford % Honor School of Excellence Middle College at GTCC - Jamestown %86.3%School of Distinction Middle College at GTCC – High Point %84.8%School of Distinction Middle College at N.C. A&T State Univ %83.7%School of Distinction Middle College at GTCC – Greensboro %99.6% Honor School of Excellence Middle College at Bennett %90.0% Honor School of Excellence Middle College at UNCG N/A The STEM Early College at N.C. A&T State Univ N/A
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 N EW C HALLENGES, N EW L EADERS New Challenges, New Leadership Skills
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 P IEDMONT T RIAD L EADERSHIP A CADEMY Piedmont Triad Leadership Academy State Board of Education initiative using Race to the Top (stimulus funding) Six local partners – UNCG, GCS, WSFC, ABSS, ACS, PTEC $6.2 million grant, Rigorous application and screening process with < 15 % acceptance rate Intensive summer curriculum, fulltime, paid, year- long clinical residency in high-needs schools Weekly seminars plus individual coaching seminars Goal – placement in high-need schools
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 C OMMON C ORE Common Core State Standards
712 North Eugene Street | Greensboro, NC | (336) Phone | (336) Fax | | GCSTV 2 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
Maurice O. Green Superintendent, Guilford County Schools North Carolina Business Leaders May 31, 2012 A CONVERSATION ON PUBLIC EDUCATION – A LOCAL PERSPECTIVE