1 Mobilizing for Action Through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Presented by: Charles E. Pruski Executive Assistant San Antonio Metropolitan Health District August 23, 2001
3 What is MAPP? A strategic approach to community health improvement developed by NACCHO & CDC. A tool to help communities improve health and quality of life through community-wide strategic planning. A process whereby communities seek to achieve optimal health by identifying and using their resources wisely, taking into account their unique circumstances and needs, and forming effective partnerships for strategic action.
4 Benefits Create a healthy community and a better quality of life. Increase the visibility of public health within the community. Anticipate and manage change. Create a stronger public health infrastructure. Engage the community and create ownership for public health issues.
5 Principles for Successful Implementation of MAPP Systems thinking Dialogue Shared Vision Data Partnerships and collaboration Strategic thinking Celebration of successes
6 Elements of MAPP Process Emphasizes a community-driven and community-owned approach. Builds on previous experiences and lessons learned. Uses traditional strategic planning concepts within its model. Focuses on the creation and strengthening of the local public health system.
7 Elements of MAPP Process (Continued) Creates governmental public health leadership. Uses the Essential Public Health Services to define public health activities. Brings four assessments together to drive the development of a community strategic plan.
8 Assessments for MAPP Process Community Themes and Strengths Local Public Health System Community Health Status Assessment Forces of Change
9 The MAPP Process Organize for Success/Partnership Development Visioning Four MAPP Assessments Identify Strategic Issues Formulate Goals and Strategies Implement Action Cycle
10 Conceptual Model Of MAPP
12 Demonstration Sites Amherst, MA Hartford, CT Columbus, OH Lee County, FL Mendicino County, CA Nashville/Davidson County, TN Northern Kentucky District, KY San Antonio, TX Taney County, MO
13 Additional Information Contact: NACCHO, th Street, NW, 2nd Foor Washington, DC Phone: (202) Fax: (202)
14 “Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success” Henry Ford