Circulatory System Blood
Take out blue sheet!
Question What color is your blood inside of your body?
Wrong…. Definitely NOT blue.
Answer * It is either dark red or bright red, but NEVER blue. It only appears blue through your skin. The dark red is the non-oxygenated blood and the bright red is the oxygenated blood.
Four Parts of the Blood Plasma Red Blood Cells White Blood Cells Platelets
Four Parts of the Blood
Plasma Transports blood solids, nutrients, hormones, and other materials.
Red Blood Cells Carry oxygen to the cells and carbon dioxide away from the cells.
White Blood Cells Help fight disease and infection by attacking germs that enter the body.
Platelets Help blood clot, which seals cuts and prevents excess blood loss from a wound.
Blood Types A (+ and -) B (+ and -) AB (+ and -) O (+ and -)
Most Common? O+ 37% of the world
Most Rare? AB- Less than 1% of the world.
What Blood Types Can Donate to Each Other?
Universal Donors The universal red cell donor has Type O negative blood type. The universal plasma donor has Type AB positive blood type.
Mislabeling Consequences The mixing of certain blood types has costly affects. High fevers, difficulty breathing, and even death.
*Questions on the Circulatory System?