Section 9.2
Naming Acids (cont.) Section 9-2
Standard: 5a Articles: 250 Mastering Concepts: 272(77-78) Terms: 248 copy rules: p. 248 Practice Problems: 249(13-17) , 250(18-22) Cornell Notes: 9.2 Section Assessment: 251(23-27) Mastering Problems: 272(94-98)
Mastering Concepts: 272(77-78) 77. Explain how molecular compounds are named. (9.2) 77. Answers should agree with Figure 9-9 on page 251.
Acids = Hydrogen + nonmetal Naming Binary Acids Acids = Hydrogen + nonmetal Hydro- root -ic acid -ide
Acids = Hydrogen + polyatomic Naming oxyacids Acids = Hydrogen + polyatomic If anion ends with -ate acid Root - suffix -ic If anion ends with -ite -ic acid Root - suffix -ous
Mastering Concepts: 272(77-78) 78. When is a molecular compound named as an acid? (9.2) 78. when it releases H in water solution
Due Now: Standard: 5a Articles: 250 Mastering Concepts: 272(77-78) Terms: 248 copy rules: p. 248 Practice Problems: 249(13-17) , 250(18-22) Homework: Cornell Notes: 9.2 Section Assessment: 251(23-27) Mastering Problems: 272(94-98)
Practice Problems: 249 (13-17) Name the following binary covalent compounds. 13. CCl4 14. As2O3 15. CO 16. SO2 17. NF3
Naming Covalent Molecules Prefix Cation Prefix Anion -ide
Practice Problems: 249 (13-17) Name the following binary covalent compounds. 13. CCl4 carbon tetrachloride Prefix Cation Prefix Anion -ide Carbon tetra chlor -ide
Practice Problems: 249 (13-17) Name the following binary covalent compounds. 14. As2O3 diarsenic trioxide Forestry and in colorless glass and in electronics. Wood preserver. Prefix Cation Prefix Anion -ide di arsenic tri ox -ide
Practice Problems: 249 (13-17) Name the following binary covalent compounds. 15. CO carbon monoxide Prefix Cation Prefix Anion -ide Carbon mon ox -ide
Practice Problems: 249 (13-17) Name the following binary covalent compounds. 16. SO2 sulfur dioxide Prefix Cation Prefix Anion -ide Sulfur di ox -ide
Practice Problems: 249 (13-17) Name the following binary covalent compounds. 17. NF3 nitrogen trifluoride Prefix Cation Prefix Anion -ide Nitrogen tri fluor -ide
Acids = Hydrogen + nonmetal Naming Binary Acids Acids = Hydrogen + nonmetal Hydro- root -ic acid -ide
Acids = Hydrogen + polyatomic Naming oxyacids Acids = Hydrogen + polyatomic If anion ends with -ate acid Root - suffix -ic If anion ends with -ite -ic acid Root - suffix -ous
Practice Problems: 250 (18-22) Name the following acids. Assume each compound is dissolved in water. 18. HI Binary Acids acid Hydro- root -ic acid Hydro- iod -ic acid hydroiodic acid
Practice Problems: 250 (18-22) Name the following acids. Assume each compound is dissolved in water. 19. HClO3
Practice Problems: 250 (18-22) Name the following acids. Assume each compound is dissolved in water. 19. HClO3 chloric acid If anion ends with -ate acid Root - suffix -ic chlor- acid -ic
Practice Problems: 250 (18-22) Name the following acids. Assume each compound is dissolved in water. 20. HClO2
Practice Problems: 250 (18-22) Name the following acids. Assume each compound is dissolved in water. 20. HClO2 chlorous acid If anion ends with -ite acid Root - suffix -ous acid Chlor - -ous
Practice Problems: 250 (18-22) Name the following acids. Assume each compound is dissolved in water. 21. H2SO4
Practice Problems: 250 (18-22) Name the following acids. Assume each compound is dissolved in water. 21. H2SO4 If anion ends with -ate acid Root - suffix -ic sulfur- acid -ic Sulfuric acid
Practice Problems: 250 (18-22) Name the following acids. Assume each compound is dissolved in water. 22. H2S acid Hydro- root -ic Hydro- sulfur -ic acid Hydrosulfuric acid
Writing Formulas (Criss-Cross Method) and name Cl- CO3-2 OH- SO4-2 PO4-3 NO3- Na+ NH4+ K+ Ca+2 Mg+2 Zn+2 Fe+3 Al+3 Co+3 Fe+2 H+