Chapter 20 Politics of the. There are two distinct beliefs that began to surface in America.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 20 Politics of the

There are two distinct beliefs that began to surface in America

Nativism – Prejudice against foreign-born people Isolationism – Policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs

Communism (The Red Scare) – Several dozen bombs were mailed to government and business leaders, and the public grew fearful that communism was trying to take over America

J. Edgar Hoover Hired Mitchell Palmer to begin to stamp out communism in the US They hunted down Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists.

The Palmer raids Trampled people’s civil rights invading homes and throwing people in jail without legal counsel, and deporting hundreds of foreign born radicals without trials

Sacco and Vanzetti Arrested for robbing a paymaster No evidence Found Guilty anyway and sentenced to death August , they found themselves in the ….

The Quota System Limited the amount of immigrants allowed into the country at a given time.

Labor Unrest runs rampant The Boston Police Strike The Steel Mill Strike The Coal Miner’s Strike

The Boston Police Strike –Wanted more pay (All policemen lost their jobs)

The Steel Mill Strikes Workers wanted – Fewer Hours A living wage Union involvement Collective Bargaining Companies hired strike breakers Police, National Guard, and Federal troops to end the strike

Coal Miners’ Strike Miners want five day work week Increase in pay John L. Lewis Got 27% pay raise but no shorter work week John Lewis became national hero

Labor Movement began to loose its appeal Much of work force consisted of Immigrants Willing to work and live in poor conditions Immigrants did not speak English and hard to organize Farmers migrated to cities and were used to defending for themselves Most Unions excluded African Americans

Warren G. Harding Return to Normalcy Yearning for world Peace Kellogg-Briand Pact Fordney-McCumber Tariff (60%) The Dawes Plan

Harding’s Cabinet became known as the Ohio Gang, it was all of his poker buddies

Scandal rocks the White House

US Oil Reserves on Public Lands Elk Hills, California Teapot Dome, Wyoming

Albert Fall Secretary of Interior Convinced Edwin Denby, Secretary of Navy, that he, Falls, should be in control of Oil reserves at Elk Hills and Teapot dome

Falls Cont’d Falls turns around and sells the exclusive right to extract the oil to two private oil companies, one being Mammoth Oil Company He received kickbacks and pays of approximately $400,000

Henry Ford Change the Landscape of America Automobile industry Assembly line production Mass production at a faster rate Bring the work to the worker

Model “T” Ford MSRP: $290

Model “A” Ford MSRP: $495

The impact of the Automobile Route 66 Gas Stations Repair Shops Garages Motels Tourist Camps Shopping Centers 1920 Traffic signals Holland Tunnel 1927

Holland Tunnel

Urban Sprawl

Airplane Industry Postal Service Charles Lindberg Amelia Earhart Pan American Airways Howard Hughes

Lindberg’s Route to Europe

1927 Vega

Electricity Drives the Standard of Living up

Electric conveniences Electric Irons Electric Refrigerators Cooking Ranges Toasters

Installment Plan Buy things now with a small down payment and make monthly or weekly payments…