By: Marissa Dufala and Jeffrey Royall Henry Ford By: Marissa Dufala and Jeffrey Royall
How it’s Related to Midwest Henry Ford was born July 30th, Dearborn, Michigan in 1863, and grew up on his family’s farm. Henry Ford started the Ford Motor Company in the Midwest, they’re known for the Model T.
Importance to the Midwest. In 1903, Henry Ford started the Ford Motor Company, groups of 2 or 3 men worked on each car. In 1908, he made the Model T and it was a huge success Henry made so much money that he made a big company. He made steel mills, glass factory, and needed iron ore and coal. He made all his parts from his factory. The Ford motor cars assembly line.
Contributions to economy, natural resources, climate, or history of the Midwest Henry spent a lot of money on coal, iron, and steel to build the factory. The Model T was the best production car ever made. He employed many people for making the company to what it is today. In 24 seconds, a Ford car will be built. The popularity of his car helped create national Highway system. The Ford Motor sign.
More Interesting Facts Taska Ford was a racing company for Ford The Mustang is the fastest production car by Ford In 1980 Mustang was a great seller, and everyone wanted the Fox Body Mustang The Boss 302 was used as a race car. In 1893, he became Chief Engineer at the Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit. Dearborn, Michigan was in debt.
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