About 1890 Born in 1863 o In Michigan o On a farm Thought to be lazy by some Driven by curiosity of machines Loved to tinker
Born July 30, 1863 To William Ford an Irish immigrant and Mary Litogot On a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan One of six children Did not like farm chores, he found them boring Loved to tinker with things to see how they worked
His mom, Mary always encouraged him o Once telling him “that disagreeable jobs call for courage, patience and self-control” (Young, 2008, p. 19). These words helped form Henry into the man he became. He would tinker in his neighbor’s blacksmith shop sometimes walk ten miles to snoop around in the hardware shop His mother passed away in 1876 and shortly afterward he had a life changing event: his turning point
Once on way to Detroit with his father he saw a steam powered car, that started his passion for automobiles Moved to Detroit in 1879 and had various jobs in the streetcar and as machinist While working he read magazines about science o Once read about the gasoline engine of a German man named Nikolaus A. Otto (Zuehlke, 2007, p. 13). This and his work fueled his passion for developing a gasoline powered car Returned to Dearborn to run a neighbor’s steam powered Westinghouse engine, Westinghouse later hired him to repair their engines
Married Clara Bryant in 1888 and continued to live in Dearborn, Michigan until They then moved to Detroit Henry went to work for Thomas Edison, so he could learn more about electricity for his gasoline engines o Edison hired him because of his knowledge of engines and to run his generators Henry and Clara had a son in 1893 and named him Edsel Clara supported Henry in his work even letting him work on his engine in the kitchen In 1903, he founded the Ford Motor Company with backing from Alexander Malcomson
Model A Started with Henry, James Couzens and 10 employees Bought parts from other companies First car made the Model A-sold for $850 Their top speed was 30 miles an hour
Battled with the ALAM (Association of Licensed Automobile Manufactures) during the early 1900’s Henry won ALAM disbanded in 1911 In 1910, Henry Ford built a bigger factory o There they began making the Model T it took them 12 ½ hours to build one Always looking for better and easier ways to do things o They began making their own parts o And started using the assembly line By 1913 they had cut production time to 1 ½ hours a car
1919 In 1918, Henry run for Senator but he lost that race From 1937 to 1937 the Ford Motor Company had labor union problems, until he decided to allow unions in his factories In 1940, Henry converted one of his automobile factories to produce war planes for WWII Henry’s son Edsel died in 1943 Henry Ford died April 7, 1947
Henry Ford was a tinkerer Even as a child, he took things apart to see how the worked He always looked for an easier way to do things And even though he did not invent the car or the assembly line, he took them to a new level Henry Ford: a man of peace and war, of science and technology, a husband and father Thank You o Questions
Joseph, P. (1997) Henry Ford, Abdo and Daughters, Edina, Minnesota Young, J. C. (2008) Henry Ford Genius Behind the Affordable Car, Enslow Publishers, U.S.A. Zuehlke, J. (2007) Henry Ford, Learner Publications Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota