Production Systems Mr. Kerins
Mass Vs. Lean Production
Mass Production
Mass Production - Characteristics 1. Quantity not quality 2. Poorly skilled workers 3. Huge Factories 4. Non- flexible workers 5. Lots of storage space required 6. Focus on worker and self not company
Mass Production Mass Production Developed by Henry Ford in Definition- Production of items in large quantities by groups of workers in factories ◦Expensive and lots of machinery ◦1880 electrification of factories
Mass Production Developed in USA, by Ford Motor Co. Only supervisor can stop the assembly line Most important quality – amount of items produced Poorly skilled workers- only trained in one job
Mass Production Quality Control depends on accuracy of the machine set up by workers Jig – holds and guides material as its being processed Fixture – keeps items being processed in proper position
Mass Production Mass Production uses high volume shipping methods- 3 months of parts in warehouse Quick fact- Model T was produced every 10 seconds Mass Production Video Clip
Lean Production Produced and developed by Japanese Definition- System which focues on producing a high number of items with exceptional quality and limited yet efficient workers. Developed s
Lean Production Characteristics Just in time Supplies Quick Change over Compressed Space Highly skilled workers Empowered workers Flexible workers
Lean Production Any worker can stop the line Uses just in time shipping ◦No storage ◦Less workers ◦cheaper Go-no-Go Gauge- used to check size / quality of produced product Kan-ban ◦Shipping idealogy ◦1 item on line ◦1 item ready for line ◦1 item being shipped
Lean production- Kaizain Japanese proverb: small incremental improvements toward a common goal each day This was the Japanese workers philosophy each day! Japanese put the company first
Lean Production
Lean Production Systems Lean Production system Video Lean Production system Video
Video- Gung HO Lean Vs. Mass Production Cultural philosophies Company vs. worker Who can stop the line? Quality vs. Quantity Workers skill level
Production Systems Project Test Video Lean production Assembly line