Welcome to fourth grade! Mrs. Mesbergen
The class rules are posted in the classroom. Students are able to earn various rewards for exemplary behavior. Consequences are given for those behaviors that detract from the learning environment. One reward is to earn team points. Individuals may also Mesbergen’s Moo-la. Firebird Pride Tickets As a class, we will also be working toward a reward, which is earned by filling up a marble jar. Classroom Rules
Behavior Expectations GOAL: Students will take responsibility for their behavior and recognize that their actions will have consequences. Students discussed classroom rules along with Mrs. Mesbergen in the first week of school. Appropriate behavior is modeled and rehearsed to make expectations clear.
Behavior Chart In conjunction with our district-wide PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program which promotes a positive climate for our school Emphasizes the importance of making good choices Promotes positive behavior and encourages students to self- monitor their choices Allows students to be acknowledged for positive behavior, and provides a sense of accomplishment for students who are able to “clip up” Allows students who have “clipped down” an opportunity to “clip back up” during the day-they continue to stay motivated
Behavior Continued Your child will write the behavior they ended on for the day in their daily agendas This immediate feedback will show you what color he/she ended up on for the day. I will contact you if necessary regarding major incidents which required your child to clip down I appreciate your understanding that it will not be possible for me to contact you for every clip down that occurs. Clipping down from time to time is to be expected and can be an important learning opportunity for your child
Learning Expectations GOAL: Students will take responsibility for their learning. Student centered and student driven i nstruction geared toward facilitating independence, supported by teacher modeling Expectations are clearly spelled out and consistently applied.
Grading Standard Grades are earned not given A, B, C, D, F Use of rubrics and percentages to determine grades Grading standard on district report card: A = Outstanding B = Very Good C = Satisfactory D = Having Difficulty F = Unsatisfactory Expectations increase as the year progresses
Homework Expectations Homework is assigned every day, Monday through Thursday. Children will fill out a homework calendar to take home and return to school each day. Math and at least 20 minutes of reading each day along with a Reading Response to be filled out and returned on Friday. Spelling at least twice a week. Other: Vocabulary definitions and activity, language arts, theme (social studies and science), incomplete class work Homework is usually due the next day except for the Reading Response paper, and long term projects. Incomplete homework will be finished at recess.
(Parent Vue Link) Please include your child in the process of checking grades and ask them first about questions you have Parent Vue
Parent Communication Open communication is encouraged— Students/Parents/Teachers work for success Report cards, Parent/Teacher/Student conferences Please be sure to ask you child questions about the school day.
Arrivals If dropping off at West Gate: children need to be inside the playground area by 7:40 so they are lined up/in the building by 7:45. Seeing a lot of traffic back-up and tardy arrivals increase Traffic begins backing up at 7:30ish
Dismissal Procedures Students leave at second bell at 2:35 (except Wednesday) Students are to head outside and not wait outside other classrooms All car pick-up students are dismissed out of the back and will be waiting with duty teachers in the west parking lot Kids Club students are dismissed out back Bus riders and students being picked up by a parent on foot (even if you drove and parked) are dismissed out front.
Daily Schedule 7:45 Specials 8:30 Language Arts 10:05 Recess 10:25 Reading IFG 11:10 Lunch/Recess 11:55 Math 12:55 Math IFG 1:30 Science/Social Studies/Writing 2:20 Discuss Homework/Agenda/Clean-Up 2:35 Dismissal (12:35 on Wednesdays)
Art Masterpiece Looking for volunteers to Prep things every month, as well as Volunteers to Present the print of the month. If a volunteer would rather ONLY do prep work, they would love your help!.
Signing up on List Serve Sign up to receive s to inform you about Cielo news. You can also choose to sign up for District news. Go to Kyrene.org On the left side of the Home page click on Subscribe to Newsletter Select all Newsletters and & Informational Updates to which you would like to subscribe Add your and name and hit the subscribe button
Cielo’s DISCOVERoom A place where kids can PLAY & EXPLORE during lunch recess. –Earth & Space –Engineering/Invention –Physical Science –Life Science & Chemistry –Electricity/magnetics Our Class’s Discovery Room Day is_______________. If an adult visits a child at lunch, they are welcome into the DR during recess. The DR needs lunch recess Volunteers*** (11:15-12:45 any days except Wednesdays) No Science/Engineering Background Needed! Training Provided! Schedule based on individual availability! Grandparents welcome! *** Kids of volunteers receive a special pass. Sign up tonight OR take a volunteer form home and send it back in to your teacher. VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT!
Student Directory The Cielo PTO is once again putting together a student directory through an online sign-up system. Click the student directory link above to go directly there OR you may go through the Cielo PTO website. We would like 100% participation in completing the process. There is a Spot for you to opt out on the online form if you do not want your information published.
VideoVideo from the PTO Click on Video link to see the video from PTO