Reading Curriculum Extension Amy Odgers Reading Specialist
Curriculum Extension Goal This is a course about reading. Its goal is to help students become engaged, fluent, and competent readers of the variety of texts that they will have to understand in their personal, academic, and professional lives.
How will we achieve our goals? Focus on strategic reading Flexible grouping depending on individual needs Pennsylvania Common Core Standards – English Language Arts
Strategic Reading What do good readers do?? Activate prior knowledge, Make predictions, and Set a purpose Make connections Create sensory images Make Inferences Retell, summarize, synthesize Raise questions Determine Importance Use Fix-up strategies
Reading Programs Soar to Success Focus on reciprocal teaching strategies, including predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing. Ladders to Success on the PSSA Read Naturally Focus on improving fluency and reading rate, as well as reading for information. Action and Storyworks Magazines
CAFE C – Comprehension A – Accuracy F- Fluency E- Expanding Vocuabulary Self-selected reading Literature Response Journals 25 Book Challenge
Odyssey Web based program Aligned to PA Standards Powerful summative and formative assessment tools that measure progress and prescribe individualized learning paths Engaging activities to help kids succeed
Grading Class assignments Class participation Daily assessments Odyssey quizzes
Grade Scale – Grade Outstanding 70-90Satisfactory 69 and belowUnsatisfactory
Homework Reading aloud with your child is a wonderful experience that will help your child grow as reader and critical thinker. The skills and strategies learned in Curriculum Extension will be practiced and reinforced through Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and even Math homework.
Absences Any student that is absent is expected to make up missed work within a reasonable amount of time. Students should check the “Absent” folder when they return to school.
Helpful Highlights I am available for extra help at times before school. Encourage your child to ask for help! Before school may also be used for students to complete lessons, class assignments, for SSR, or to work on homework. If a student would like to work with me, he or she should let me know the day before so I can be sure to be available.
Class Expectations Class Rules We are a Community of Caring and use these values as guidelines for our class rules. What happens when these rules are not followed? Non-verbal reminder Verbal reminder Change of location Office referral
Questions or Concerns?? ***This is the best way to reach me (voice mail) I am looking forward to a productive year filled with exciting and rewarding learning experiences.