Founded by Founders in 2000 Controlled by Board of trustees (4 person) Working with volunteers only, have no paid staff Member of Trainer’s Pool in the Central Transdanubian Region
1. ‘Civils on board’ – Newspaper 2. ‘1 topic in 1 day’- trainings for NGO’s
Newspaper for the nonprofit sector in the Central Transdanubian Region 4 times/1 year, copies Supported by national grants Content: grants, networks, introduction of projects, NGO’s etc.
1 day trainings in different topics: E-management 1%; fundraiasing; proposal writing; project management; volunteering; management of volunteers Target group: NGOs in Veszprém county (15-20 NGO/training day)
8-11 September 2011, Partners from HU, Sk, Cz Aim: to compare the voluntary system and services in the partner countries ‘Why? Why not? - Miért? Miért ne?’-publication
2011- Year of Volunteers Duration: 4 months Aim: to involve the forprofit and the governmenetal sector in the voluntary programs, and increase the numbr of volunteers in Veszprém county Created a publication with all the relevant information of the volunteering, also introduced the new hosting organisations and put an application form for new volunteers Appeared in the Valley of Arts with the Program
TÁMOP /2 - Önkéntes ( Pont ) TE magad légy! Duration: 12 months Number of Volunteers involved: 270 Hours spent with voluntary work : 2594 h Aim of the project: To create 2 Volunteer Contact Points in Veszprém County Call the attention on the importance of voluntary work, through organising actions, events involving the inhabitants Target group: inhabitants, elderly people, people and kids in needs
Partnership with 5 schools and 2 institue on social field Voluntary activities on social field: ‘You can also camp’-camp for youth with fewer opportunities ‘Place for kids’-playgroup, arts&crafts for kids ‘Childcare’-taking care for kids, while parents organise official businesses ‘Story telling on the beach’- 3 beaches, 40 times-reading stories for kids during the summer and giving information about voluntary for to the parents
Voluntary activities on educational field ‘Become happily a volunteer’-info days in 5 schools about national and international voluntary services ‘Call your dad and your neighbour to renew our school together’ -4 schools, students, teachers, parents worked together for the schools
Voluntary activities on educational field ‘Botanic gardens’ in schools
Database of new volunteers and host organisations Training for coordinators dealing with volunteers (host organisations) Prepared 100 people to be a volunteer
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