WELCOME SUNSHINE ROOM FAMILIES!!! Please sign in on the sheet by the door, grab one of each of the papers there and find your child’s seat. There is an activity there for you to do while you wait. See if you can put the puzzle we made back together! Thank you so much for being here!!
Sunshine Room Open House Ruthe Deskin Elementary
What’s In Store? Weekly Assessments Differentiated Reading Instruction Writers Workshop (Lucy Calkins/Step Up to Writing) Grading Policies and Procedures Progress Reports Newsletters Classroom Rules and Consequences Volunteer Check-In Reminders
Weekly Assessments Students will be assessed weekly in: –Spelling (These words can be found in the homework packets sent home each Monday.) –Comprehension (Questions will be asked about the reading in the Trophies books that will be assigned each week. I will also send home a copy of each story for you and your child to read at home each week.)
Weekly Assessments Math (At the end of each unit, we will assess the skills the students have learned. These will be taught and practiced in class and then reinforced in the daily homework.) Occasionally, we will also do phonics assessments to check in with the students and make sure they are on track with their knowledge of letter sounds and blends.
Differentiated Reading Instruction We will be working in small groups during our reading instruction time. During whole group reading, we will be reading at a first grade level. During guided reading, we will have time for the students to work independently in reading centers. During this time, I will pull small groups of students to do more reading instruction at the appropriate level for each specific group. This way, students that need more help in specific areas will get that help and students who need more of a challenge will be served as well.
Writers Workshop We will be using writing curriculum by Lucy Calkins that focuses on the process of writing rather than the product, helping our kids to become better writers and life long learners. The basic model for instruction is: –Mini lesson (teaching the skill) –Teacher modeling (showing them examples) –Sharing ideas (letting the kids share their thoughts and questions before they start writing) –Independent work (trying the skill on their own with minimal teacher guidance)
Step Up To Writing We also use the Step up to Writing program as a supplement. This focuses more on the mechanics of writing (Capitalization, punctuation, spacing, complete sentences, etc…)
Grading Policies/Procedures Homework is intended for practice as well as to teach responsibility and accountability. I may make notes or marks on homework, but I will not record grades from it unless otherwise noted. The students do receive an overall grade for completed homework on the report card. Things that will be taken for a grade will have a fraction on the top that shows how many points the student has earned out of the total number of points possible for that assignment.
Progress Reports Progress reports will be sent home every other Monday along with any other school-wide communication, so please be sure to check the take-home folders EVERY Monday. (As well as every other night!)
Newsletters I will send home newsletters to keep you up-to- date on school events or classroom activities as they come up. I will also send home special notes or updates as needed. Please check your child’s take home folder each night for any letters I might have sent home. This folder is the easiest way for us to communicate with one another. Please feel free to write me a note about any questions or concerns you may have. I check the folders each day and will respond as soon as possible.
Sunshine Room Rules and Consequences Classroom Rules: –Be a good listener. –Be polite. –Be careful. –Be kind to others. –Always be your best.
Sunshine Room Rules and Consequences If these rules are not followed, the process is as follows: –First offense = move sun to warning –Second offense = child’s sun is moved to “cloudy” and they will lose recess time –Third offense = child’s sun is moved to “stormy” and child is sent to the “Time to Think” area (in another classroom) where he or she will fill out the form (this will be sent home to be signed and returned) –Fourth offense = sent to the office, report sent home
Your Support I need your help in order to make the consequences meaningful and to help your child succeed. We have a very talkative group and while I understand the desire to be social with friends (and I also see the importance in this) I cannot accomplish everything that needs to be done this year with the class if I am spending so much time on management and behavior. Please discuss with your child the importance of raising hands, talking only when it is an appropriate time to talk, being kind, being respectful and the overall importance of learning as much as they possibly can. I really appreciate your help and your support in this. I want us all to have a great year and learn as much as we possibly can!
Volunteer Check-In There are many times throughout the year that I would love to have parent help. You are an important part of the school and classroom community and I want you to feel welcome in the Sunshine Room! If there are specific days and times you are available to help, please make sure you have completed the volunteer form and I will be in touch with you to set up some times for you to come in. I am specifically looking for someone who would be willing to come in to make copies and get materials ready for the following week as well as a designated room parent. Thanks in advance!
Reminders PLEASE check your child’s take-home folder each night. The daily homework (math and reading) will be there as well as any communication from myself or from the office.
Reminders Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns as the year progresses. You can put notes in your child’s folder or you can reach me by . During the day, please send any messages to In the evening, I try to check my personal at least once. Feel free to send me messages there as well You can also reach me by phone at (608) Please leave a message if I don’t answer and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please keep the lines of communication open so we can work together to help your child succeed and excel this
THANK YOU! Thanks so much for taking the time to be here tonight! You are very important to your child’s education – I can’t do it without your support! I’m looking forward to a GREAT school year!