The Bookworms Of Europe
Developing Reading Skill 1. Reading habit is gained at an early age. Therefore even before children learn to read and write, parents must act in a way to make them understand the importance of books. A book is not something that should be read only by readers of certain age groups.
1. Reading habit is gained at an early age. There are appropriate books for readers from all ages. Before primary school, coloring and audio books would be first step for them to love books. Children can not read but parents can. Therefore, parents will be the first link between the child and the book. This could be done by reading him / her books before going to bed which would be the ideal way. Therefore, parents should be made aware of this at PTA meetings.
2. The best way to teach is to be a model. Pupils should see family members reading books. It is important to turn off the TV, PC and other electronic devices and read together half an hour for beginning. Then this time period will increase step by step.
2. The best way to teach is to be a model. Everyday a period of time can be arranged for reading and this can be called as “Happy Reading Hours”. This technique will motivate children and then it will make a habit. “Happy Reading Hours” should be done not only at home but also at school.
3. All family members and teachers should talk about books. Everybody in the family at home and the teachers at school should talk about the books which they have read such as “This book’s theme is very interesting; that writer’s technique is excellent; The topic is thrilling, etc.”
3. All family members and teachers should talk about books. This conversation will affect the pupil’s mind deeply. As a result, to take part in these conversations about books, s/he will feel a desire for reading
4. Books are the best gifts for everyone. Gifts always make people happy. Buying and giving books as gifts should become everyone’s habit so that the pupil will understand the importance of books.
5. Every pupil should own a library at home. Buying and giving books as a gift make everyone happy but it is more important to keep them. Books in their safe places (in the library) will underline the importance of reading in the pupil’s mind. When s/he has a library at home, s/he will contribute to the library in the classroom and at school.
6. Pupils should be taken to bookstores, book fairs and libraries regularly. Parents and teachers need to follow the book fairs and libraries in the city and inform the pupils about them. They should attend these fairs together.
7. Pupils should be helped while choosing books. To increase pupils’ motivation books must be chosen with care. The books should be interesting and curiosity – raising so that they will have desire to read it, such as; books about famous people, popular movies, true stories, etc.
7. Pupils should be helped while choosing books Reading great writers such as; Shakespeare, Cervantes, Charles Dickens, James Joyce, Jules Verne and Mark Twain etc. but also the great storytellers
8. Writing is a supporting activity for reading. Reading affects writing and writing affects reading. Writing helps children build their reading skills. Children practice in the process of writing their own texts helps them analyze the pieces that they read.
8. Writing is a supporting activity for reading. They can apply their knowledge about the ways that they chose to use particular language, text structure or content to better understand a professional author’s construction of his or her texts. It will encourage students' reading (reading English and comprehend) and writing skills (writing English correctly and meaningfully by using punctuation marks).
9. Subscription to pupil’s magazines and newspapers motivates them …. Weekly or monthly classroom magazines can add exciting, skill- building reading activities to lessons with every issue. We can excite students about reading with colorful photography and kid-friendly reading games regularly Science for kids
10. Reading games and activities. Reading games and activities to help to pupils for reading skill in the classroom and at home. Interactive activities make learning more fun for students and help them to understand the material. We will use owlfinch and other e- book websites on the net
Reading what acquires to the pupils