Summer Reading Program 2015
Project This program was conducted at Calvary Chapel Cedar City by Katie Fronk and Elyse Anderson. They did the program with the 1 st through 5 th graders at their church.
Purpose The reason for this project was to teach children the importance of reading and to encourage them to read. Each week we read books, wrote stories, played games, and had crafts associated with each week’s theme. We wanted to have the children be excited for reading and not think of it as a chore. We had incentives to encourage the children to read but also had them read the books to better understand the importance.
Week One: Superhero Week In week one, we read superhero books, picked superhero names, made masks, and showed off our superhero strengths with a fun game. We only had two boys show up, they loved the theme of the week!
Week Two: History Week For History Week, I explained to the kids how important History and reading were, and how they go together. They supply us with knowledge and teach us important lessons. We also played a bingo game. I would ask a history question and then the kids would place a piece of candy on their answer on the bingo board. They each won a small prize at the end. They loved it!
Playing Bingo
Reading History Books
Week Three: Space Week The third week was Space Week and it was such a fun themed week! The kids could imagine themselves in a different place or dimension while reading their books. This week was to have the children use their imagination more. To show how anything is possible, even if the goals seem unreachable.
Space Books
Making Constellations
Week Four: Mystery/Crime Week Week Four was the final week for the Reading Program. We had five children. The most that we had for the Summer! We gave out prizes to the children who read ten books at home during the four weeks; an incentive to get them to read. Since it was our final week we also had a special game, a scavenger hunt, that led them to a special prize, an ice cream party! It was an amazing end to a fantastic Reading Program.
The Clues to the Scavenger Hunt
The Prize for Reading Ten Books
Final Thoughts I thought this project both benefitted myself and the children. It benefitted the children because it was a place for them to read and having fun while doing it. It benefitted myself because it taught me values, and it stretched me because I had to produce the project from start to finish. The value of producing this project will help me with future jobs. I will be able to produce projects for whatever company or job I am hired at.