Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Kilmo Choi Active Flash: Towards Energy-Efficient, In-Situ Data Analytics on Extreme-Scale Machines Devesh Tiwari, Sudharshan S. Vazhkudai, Youngjae Kim, Xiaosong Ma, Simona Boboila, and Peter J. Desnoyers
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Contents Background Problems and Challenges Active Flash Approach for In-situ Active Computation Feasibility Evaluation ActiveFlash Prototype based on OpenSSD Platform Conclusion
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Background
최 길 모최 길 모 Background Scientific Discovery : Two-Step Scientific Simulation Scientific Discovery Data Analysis and Visualization
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Background Large-scale leadership computing applications produce big data GTC produces ~30TB output data per hour at-scale.
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Problems and Challenges Offline approach suffers from both performance and energy inefficiencies Redundant I/O(simulations write, analyses read) Excessive data movement Extra energy cost Energy efficiency will become the primary metric for system design, as compute power is expected to increase by x1000 in the next decade with only a x10 increase in power envelope Using simulation nodes for data analysis not acceptable
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Active Flash Approach for In-situ SSDs now being adopted in Supercomputers(e.g. Tsbame, Gordon) higher I/O throughput and storage capability SSD controllers becoming increasingly powerful multi-core low-power processors Idle cycles at SSD controllers In-situ analysis analysis on in-transit output data, before it is written to the PFS eliminates redundant I/O, but it use expensive compute nodes
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Active Flash Approach for In-situ Active flash In-situ analysis on SSDs Exploit the computation at idle cycles of the SSD controller Reduce transfer costs high performance and energy saving
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Active Flash Approach for In-situ Three approach to data analysis offline active flash analysis node
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Active Computation Feasibility Modeling SSD Deployment Multiple constraints Capacity Enough SSDs to sustain output burst Performance High I/O bandwidth to SSD space Fast restart from application checkpoints Write durability SSD write endurance limits
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Active Computation Feasibility Staging Ratio How many simulation nodes share one common SSD?
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Active Computation Feasibility Modeling active computation feasibility Relatively less compute intensive kernels better suited for active computation(e.g. regex matching) Dependent on multiple factors : simulation data production rate, staging ratio, I/O bandwidth, etc.
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Evaluation Cray XT5 Jaguar supercomputer Samsung PM830 SSD Intel Core i7 processors
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Evaluation Feasibility of the analysis node approach Most data analysis kernels can be placed on SSD controllers without degrading simulation performance Additional SSDs are not required for supporting in-situ data analysis on SSDs Analysis node approach is feasible at higher staging ratios, but at additional infrastructure cost
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Evaluation Energy and cost saving analysis Staging ratio = 10 Active Flash and offline approach : y1 analysis node : y2 Offline model consumes more energy due to the I/O wait time
Embedded System Lab. 최 길 모최 길 모 Conclusion Extant approaches to scientific data analysis(e.g. offline and analysis nodes) are stymied by several inefficiencies in data movement and energy consumption that results in sub-optimal performance Active flash is better than either approaches for all of the aforementioned metrics