Please get the warm up off the back desk and begin working.
Section 1.1 Nets and Drawings for Visualizing Geometry Objective: Understand how a three-dimensional object can be represented in two-dimensions. Essential Understanding: You can represent a three-dimensional object with a two-dimensional figure using special drawing techniques.
Identifying a Solid From a Net If the net is folded so that side A is the front of the cube, what letters will be on the top, bottom, right, left, and back?
A. B. C. Match the package with its net
Isometric Drawing An isometric drawing shows a corner view of a three- dimensional figure. It allows you to see the top, front, and side of the figure. Watch as I draw a filing cabinet.
Let’s try one together ♥ Please get: ♥isometric dot paper ♥straight edge
Step 1: Draw the front edges Step 2: Draw the right edges Step 3: Draw the back edges Step 4: Fill in as necessary
Orthographic Drawing An orthographic drawing shows three separate views; top, right and front. Please look at page 6 in your book. Orthographic drawing, instructional video
Your assignment Page Problems: 6-19, 34-37, 43-51