The Ukrainian-Portuguese business forum business forum
Ukraine Today GDP GDP Industrial Output Gross Agricultural Output Retail Turnover of Goods Real State Budget Revenues Real Disposable Incomes of Population Consumer Price Index (May 2008 to December 2007) Hryvnia depreciated to USD (June, 1) Natural Persons Deposits (May, 1) 8.0%8.0% 8.0%8.0% 0.1%0.1% 0.1%0.1% 16.6%16.6% 16.6%16.6% 17.7% 4.0% 13.8% 6.2%6.2% 6.2%6.2% 14.6% January-April 2008 cumulative since the beginning of the year versus previous period: May since the beginning of the 2008: 29.0% Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Foreign Trade of Ukraine (Goods and Services) by foreign trade balance data by payment balance data І quarter 2008 Exports mln. USD Imports 17632* mln. USD 2007 Exports mln. USD Imports mln. USD Ministry of Economy of Ukraine * - data excludes import volumes of natural gas.
Dynamics of Foreign Goods Trade. Goods, mln.USD Ministry of Economy of Ukraine * - data excludes import volumes of natural gas. Dynamics of Foreign Goods Trade Export (percent change over the same period oh the previous year, %)
Foreign Direct Investment Ministry of Economy of Ukraine (%)
Ukrainian-Portuguese trade and economic cooperation
Dynamics of overall turnover between Ukraine and Portugal for 2002 – 2007 (mln. US$) Source: State Committee of Statistics of UkraineIndex Foreign Trade Turnover 95,471,164,660,884,1146,1 Incl. – goods 92,560,648,947,866,9118,0 – services 2,910,515,813,017,228,1 Export84,352,039,1 30,5 49,690,7 Incl. – goods 82,544,527,119,937,480,7 – services 1,87,512,0 10,6 12,29,9 Import11,219,125,630,334,555,4 Incl. – goods 10,116,121,827,929,637,3 – services 1,1 3,0 3,82,45,018,1 Balance73,132,913,50,215,135,3
The structure of Ukrainian export to Portugal in 2007 year Source: State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine Industry% Agricultural products95 Ferrous metallurgy1,2
The structure of Ukrainian import from Canada in 2007 year Source: State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine Industry% Equipment and mechanisms28,7 Wood and products23,3 Textiles and products10,2 Chemical production9,2
Did You know Ukraine has number one granite reserve in the world with 45% of the world reserve Ukraine is on 6th place in the world in production capacity of metals and mining 40% of the global production of manganese ore is located in Ukraine 56% of Ukraine’s land is arable and 1/3 of the world’s “black soil” is found in Ukraine In 2005 Ukraine was rated 5th in terms of the number of certified IT specialists by Brainbench Ukrainians is 1st largest country by its territory in Central and Eastern Europe Source: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Ukrainian Government efforts to improve economic stability in the country Ukraine was moved from the sixth credit risk group to the fifth one Ukraine was moved from the sixth credit risk group to the fifth one Is approved by the European Union and the USA as a market economy country Is approved by the European Union and the USA as a market economy country May 16, 2008, in accordance with the WTO procedures, Ukraine has become official World Trade Organizationmember May 16, 2008, in accordance with the WTO procedures, Ukraine has become official World Trade Organization member
The history of the negotiations process on Ukraine’s WTO accession The WTO membership negotiations took 14 years The WTO membership negotiations took 14 years Were conducted and completed negotiations on goods and services market access with 52 Working Party members Were conducted and completed negotiations on goods and services market access with 52 Working Party members Were held 17 official meetings of the Working Party on Ukraine’s accession to the WTO Were held 17 official meetings of the Working Party on Ukraine’s accession to the WTO In terms of legislative support of Ukraine’s WTO accession during Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted 49 Laws In terms of legislative support of Ukraine’s WTO accession during Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted 49 Laws Having become the WTO member, Ukraine is able to take position on the global arena as a reliable trade partner and attractive object for investments
We offer partnership and active cooperation for mutual profit We are opened for dialogue and interested in productive relationship and meaningful cooperation with the business and financial circles of Portugal