Update: Grocery Refrigeration Provisional Standard Protocol for Site Specific Savings RTF Meeting June 28,
Measure Summary Savings estimation protocol for bundles of measures implemented in Grocery Stores Based on DOE2.2r simulations with method for specifying key simulation parameters Intend to request Provisional Status as Standard Protocol 2
Milestones 3 DateItemResult 2010PECI Development of GS 4.0 with guidance from subcommittee at 7 meetings Selection and sensitivity testing for key inputs Software QC approach reviewed Libraries & other data sources reviewed March 2011 Documentation methodology reviewed at subcommittee Format & content are going in the right direction April 2011 RTF meeting Review documentation. RTF tasks subcommittee to develop research plan to “calibrate” GS 4.0 with help of evaluators. May 2011 Two subcommittee meetings. Report to RTF at May 3 meeting. Develop approach to test GS4.0 against measured Test refrigeration load estimates baseline & post Both load and system measures need testing Sampling strategy June 2011 Two RTF staff meetings (Grist, Kendall, Baker, Baylon) with PECI. Plus two subcommittee meetings. Draft Protocol per Guidelines Draft Research Plan Written comments from 4 RTF Broad agreement on approach & method Review not completed in time for RTF meeting Many complex issues applying Guidelines
Subcommittee Summary Eight subcommittee meetings since March 2011 – Notes on subcommittee page – Plus Six RTF Staff & PECI meetings 4 Develop Approach to Test GS 4.0Draft Protocol & Research Plan
Standard Protocol Checklist 5 Link:..\Prov Protocol\Appendix A - Guidelines Checklist GS4.0 Draft 1).xlsx..\Prov Protocol\Appendix A - Guidelines Checklist GS4.0 Draft 1).xlsx
Status of Protocol & Research Plan Outline research plan by committee in May Initial drafts by PECI June 14, 2011 Written comments from: Mike Baker, Charlie Girst, Andie Baker, Ryan Fedie PECI revised based on written comments and June 23, 2011 subcommittee Link to current draft protocol Link to current draft research plan 6
Provisional Status Conditions from Operative Guidelines Programs which use provisional protocol agree to provide the data that are collected to the RTF so that they can be used to complete the development of the protocol Once a simplified method is proven reliable, the standard protocol documentation and associated calculator will be modified to be consistent with that method Sunset criteria must be assigned to provisional standard protocols 7
Major Elements Measure total short-term refrigeration energy use and key variables – Baseline & Post case Annualize short-term estimates of refrigeration energy using TMY data and other key variables Compare annualized estimates of measured refrigeration energy to GS 4.0 estimates of refrigeration energy both baseline and post Compare savings estimates for packages of measures installed – Use subtraction method, interrupted time series or change model – Savings = Refrigeration Energy Baseline minus Post With appropriate adjustments to normalize post-condition changes (such as refrigeration load) 8
Best-Practice Estimate Minimum 3 weeks baseline & post – Longer post for measures sensitive to ambient temperature (floating head pressure control) Develop regressions for daily or hourly refrigeration use correlated to ambient temperature & other independent variables Annualize using TMY data – Pre, Post and Savings (Pre minus Post) 9
Reason for 3-Week Measurement for Best Practice Method: Seasonally Consistent Refrigeration Energy Use 10
Testing the Candidate Protocol (GS 4.0) Perform GS 4.0 Audit to collect DOE2.2r inputs per data collection specifications Use inputs to run DOE2.2r for Baseline & Post estimates of total refrigeration energy Compare GS 4.0 estimates of Baseline, Post & Savings estimates of refrigeration energy to best- practice estimates Modify GS 4.0 and iterate tests until both baseline energy use, post energy use and energy savings at all sites are reasonable and there is no significant bias. 11
Issues Resolved in Subcommittee Measurements required for best-practice and candidate standard protocol Description & intended use of 14 measurement categories See Section 8 of draft protocol – Test bundle of measures, rather than individual measures Does the protocol produce reliable estimates of the savings from the all measures implemented at a site – Test both load reduction & system efficiency measures because of different physics & DOE2.2r methods – Sampling methodology & target 10 sites in each of 3 size tiers for n = 30 2 sites each tier with system measures – Calculator is DOE2.2r which is transparent & accessible 12
Remaining Items Level of detail to specify protocol inputs – Both site-specific & default inputs – Long list of required inputs with collection procedures, libraries or defaults for each Final write up of protocol, check list, documentation 13
Next Steps 14 DateItemIntent June 24, 2011 Circulate draft protocol and research plan for RTF comment Subcommittee and RTF review of draft protocol & research plan with intent to finalize for August decision by RTF. June 28, 2011 Update at full RTFBrief RTF on resolved & remaining issues. Prep for decision in August July 6, 2011 Close of written commentNeed time to digest comments and develop final July 2011 At least one more subcommittee To consider written comments and finalize proposed protocol and research plan August RTF Meeting Present to RTFProposed Protocol and Research Plan with subcommittee recommendations for provisional status