Paradise Medical Tourism
Why is Caroline, 25, from Merseyside going to Bangkok to have a nose job?
Caroline, 25, from Merseyside “I have never been happy with my nose. It just upsets me every time I look at it in the mirror. My friend got her nose done in a Bangkok hospital and she is a different person now. I can do a bit of sightseeing before the operation, and hide myself in a plush hotel when my face is black and blue afterwards. All this will still be half the price of having it done in England.”
Caroline, 25, from Merseyside Caroline is visiting Thailand for a very different reason than the other passengers in row 15. She wants a new nose. Caroline is one of a new breed of tourists known as "medical tourists".
Bangkok Hospital is a popular destination for medical tourists
Use the handout, Body Beautiful, and other information from the internet to produce an advert for one of Bangkok's hospitals to attract more medical tourists like Caroline.
Rhinoplasty – Nose job Dental - teeth Orthopedic – Bones and joints Breast implants Heart transplant Cosmetic surgery De-tox
Assess your work Bronze My advertisement contains some words and phrases relating to medical tourism. I have begun to give the advantages of going to Thailand for treatment Silver My advertisement contains many key words and phrases relating to medical tourism. I have developed the advantages of going to Thailand for treatment or operations. Gold My well presented advertisement contains many key words and phrases relating to medical tourism. I have developed fully the advantages of going to Thailand for treatment or operations.