Mst. Ismot ara Assistant Teacher (Computer Studies) Molamgarihat B.L High school. Kalai. Joypurhat. Teacher’s Introduction
Class Introduction Class : VIII Subject : English 1 st Paper Total Students : 60 Period : 5th Time : 40 minutes Date :
Learning Outcome : At the end of this lesson- 1. Students will be able to tell about balanced diet. 2. They can tell about physical exercise. 3. They will be able to tell the benefits of cleanliness.
Balanced diet Exercise Early to riseDiscipline
These images indicate the way to keep fit. So, today we’ll discuss about How To Keep Fit
Balanced diet To keep fit firstly we should try to have balanced diet everyday.
Physical exercise Then we have to take some physical exercise regularly.
Early rising We ought to get up early in the morning.
W We should abstain from smoking. Stop smoking
Cleanliness W We have to follow rules of cleanliness.
Individual Work Write the name of five foods that contain vitamin- C Answer : Lemon, Guava, Chili, Orange, Olive. Time : 2 Minutes
Pair Work Why is smoking harmful for our health? Answer : Because it causes many fatal diseases like cancer, ulcer, heart attack, bronchitis etc. It also spoils our moral character. Time : 4 Minutes
Evaluation 1. What do you mean by balanced diet? 2. Tell three types of physical exercise. 3. What do you know about cleanliness ?
Home Work Write ten sentences about how to keep fit.
Thank you Bye