Cardiovascular System and Exercise
Cardiac Output Amt. of blood pumped by heart in 1 -minute HR x SV
Measuring Cardiac Output Fick Method Indicator Dilution Thermal Dilution CO2 Rebreathing
Direct Fick Method 02 consumption spirometry Arterial blood ABG Mixed venous blood catheter
Direct Fick Method
Direct Fick Method O2 consumption (mL/min) x 100 a-v O2 difference (mL/100 mL blood) Advantages/Disadvantages
Indicator Dilution Dye or radioactive solution injected into large vein ABG radioactive counter or photosensitve device
Indicator Dilution dye injected avg dye conc. in blood x duration Advantages/Disadvantages
Thermal Dilution Catheter Right Heart Inject saline (temp. < blood) RA Measure temp. in PA temp / time
Thermal Dilution temp / time Advantages/Disadvantages
CO2 Rebreathing Spirometry w/ rapid CO2 analyzer breath by breath analysis estimation of venous and arterial CO2 conc.
CO2 Rebreathing CO2 production x 100 v-a CO2 difference Advantages/Disadvantages
Cardiac Output @ Rest
Immediate Response to Exercise CO 20 HR and SV HR (later) SV CO linearly and directly w/ exercise intensity
Immediate Response to Exercise
Stroke Volume Starling mechanism ventricular contractility
Cardiac Output during Maxium Exercise
Training Effect on Cardiac Output SV during rest & exercise Maximum SV: 40-50% VO2max (60-66% HR max) SV is > from rest exercise
Factors Affecting Stroke Volume Diastolic filling venous return HR
Factors Affecting Stroke Volume Systolic Emptying preload enhanced by catecholamines
Training Effects Ventricular enlarged chamber enhanced compliance enlarged myocardium HR by 12 to 15 bpm
Final Comments on CO and SV Stroke Volume Index Cardiac Output Index
Blood Distribution @ Rest 5000 mL (1000 ml) (700 ml) (1100 ml) (300 ml) (700 ml) (1350 ml)
Blood Distribution during Exercise 25000 mL 1000 ml 21,000 ml 600 ml 900 ml 500 ml 250 ml
CO and Oxygen Rest arterial blood 200 ml O2/L pump 5 L/min 1000 mL O2/min available uptake 250 ml O2/min reserve 750 ml O2/min
CO and Oxygen Exercise arterial blood 200 ml O2/L pump 25 L/min 5000 mL O2/min available CO available O2
Meeting O2 Demands of Exercise CO use of O2 carried by blood
O2 Uptake and Exercise
Athlete’s Heart Myocardial hypertrophy left ventricle Resistance Training wall thickness /mass < cavity size Endurance volume < wall thickness
Pathological Heart 20 HTN Myocardial hypertrophy left ventricle distended less compliant
Hypertension Systolic > 140 mmHg / Diastolic > 90 mmHg 25-33% of populations will have HTN Prevalent in African Americans Up to 95% of HTN is of unknown cause
Hypertension Can result in: Heart failure MI CVA
Hypertension Rx: Diet Exercise Weight control Stress reduction Medication
Endurance Exercise & BP Systolic intensity 20 CO 120 200 (240 - 250) Steady-state: may 20 arteriole dilation TPR
Endurance Exercise & BP Diastolic little 15mmHg abnormal stop exercise/testing
Graded Exercise & BP
Long Term Effects of Aerobic Exercise Training Effect: Aerobic 6 –10 mm Most effective in mild to moderate HTN Mechanism: sympathetic activity Altered renal function
Resistance Training & BP Isometric (% MVC) Free Weight Bench Press Hydraulic Bench Press 25 50 75 100 Slow Fast Systolic 172 179 200 225 169 232 237 245 Diastolic 106 116 135 156 104 154 101 160
Resistance Training & BP Muscle Contraction compresses peripheral arteries ( to force) > muscle mass > BP 480/350 mmHg 20 valsalva
Resistance Training & BP Mechanism: Sympathetic MAP (average pressure) Cardiac output BP = CO x TPR
Resistance Training & BP BP accommodates to regular resistance training blunted BP response to exercise
Recovery Hypotensive response in recovery from sustained submaximal
Upper vs. Lower Body Exercise Systolic (mm Hg) Diastolic (mm Hg) % of VO2max Arms Legs 25 150 132 90 70 40 165 138 93 71 50 175 144 96 73 75 205 160 103
Upper vs. Lower Body Exercise
Upper vs. Lower Extremity Exercise and BP Response UE: > BP response 20 smaller musculature & vasculature > TPR > BP response Double Product (Rate Pressure Product)
Rate Pressure Product or Double Product = SBP x HR index of relative cardiac work indicator of myocardial O2 uptake & coronary blood flow
Cardiovascular Regulation Electrical Activity (intrinsic regulation) S-A node atria A-V node A-V bundle (Purkinje fibers) ventricles
Extrinsic Regulation Sympathetic Catecholamines HR and contractility Adrenergic fibers (norepi) constrict Cholinergic fibers (acetylcholine) dilatation in skeletal & cardiac muscle
Extrinsic Regulation Parasympathetic Acetylcholine HR No effect on contractility Vagus nerves
Extrinsic Regulation Pre-exercise anticipation sympathetic activity parasympathetic Greatest HR
Extrinsic Regulation Onset of exercise & low intensity Parasympathetic Exercise intensity Sympathetic
Extrinsic Regulation Central command provides greatest control of CV system Pre-exercise anticipation 100% HR
Heart Rate Response to Exercise 180 Heart Rate (bpm) 120 60 start 88 176 264 352 440 Distance (yards)
Peripheral Input Receptors in muscle monitor mechanical and chemical Exercise Pressor Reflex
Peripheral Input Receptors in arteries Baroreceptors BP sympathetic input Mechanoreceptors heart and large veins
Blood Distribution & Exercise Blood is distributed as needed (autoregulated) Rest - 1 of 30-40 capillaries open in muscle tissue O2 vasodilation in skeletal & cardiac muscle