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Presentation transcript:

Where is that?? Maps R’ Us That’s SO Diffusing! Picture This! You’re where?

A place identified by its unique physical characteristics (climate, topography, vegetation etc.) is known as

What is SITE

“Go down past the mall and turn right when you see the Exxon station… park by the building with the giant pair of lion statues in front.” The description above would be used to find the location of a place based on:

What is… Situation – the location of a place relative to other places

The photos below all represent what term for these unique points on earth:

What is… Toponym -the name given to a place on Earth

Located at 0 degree latitude

What is… The equator!!

All of these definitions are CORRECT in terms of the use of this word - the system used by geographers to transfer location from a globe to a map (1:24,000, 1mi-1in) - the extent of spread of a phenomenon over a given area - the difference in elevation between two points - the relationship between the length of an object on a map and the feature that it represents on the landscape All of these definitions are CORRECT in terms of the use of this word

What is… Scale

What is the projection of this type of this map

What is… Mercator

Take out a piece of paper: for each of the following types of scale, draw or write an example: - representative fraction (RF) - graphic scale - written scale DAILY DOUBLE

What is… -representative fraction (RF) -1:24,000 -graphic scale -written scale -1 in. = 1,000 mi.

A system for transferring and converting locations from the round globe to a flat map is known as projection. Name the 4 most common distortions caused by projection.

What are… Area Shape Direction Proximity

A map like this shows what type of region?

What is… Vernacular Region

Name these special points: C D A B

What are… A- equator B- latitude C- Prime Meridian D- Longitude

The spread of Islam depicted below is an example of

What is… Contagious Diffusion

Baptists being located in Nevada and North Dakota are examples of

What is… Relocation diffusion

Below is the chart of the innovation diffusion cycle. INNOVATORS are most likely near the ______ of an idea or product.

Where is… The hearth / origin

According to this, as distance increases, contact with a point of origin, a core, or a hearth will gradually decrease

What is the… distance-decay function

The diffusion of fashion would be labeled as _________________________:

What is… Hierarchical Diffusion

What is interesting / different about the GREY nations below?

What is… They do not follow standard time zones

This storing of human and environmental information about a location in layers is known as

What is… GIS – Geographic Information Systems

This GIS map showing airport locations and the lowest beach vacation locations this weekend is known as a

What is… A mash up map

The pictures below represent what about a place?

What is… The cultural landscape

The number of farmers per unit area of farmland is the: ____________

What is …… Agricultural Density

This map shows what type of region?

What is… Functional Region

This map represents what type of region?

What is… Formal

Using the following photos, identify the toponym and situation

What is…(answers may vary) Toponym: US Capitol building Situation: off of Constitution Ave., in front of the Supreme Court and Library of Congress, by the reflecting pool, at the end of the ‘Mall’

Describe the concentration of cholera victims

What is… -Lower density of cases south of Brewer St. -Highly clustered / concentrated near the water pump at the crossing of Broad and Lexington forming a dissipating rippled pattern for about 200 yards each direction

The graphic below shows the unlikeness of people shopping at a particular store the farther they get from it:

What is… Distance decay theory