Usage of information and communication technologies in the Republic of Serbia, 2007
Households and individuals Enterprises The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) carried out in 2004 a pilot survey on the usage of ICT in organizations involved in banking and insurance. In 2006 and 2007, the SORS conducted two ICT usage surveys, first related to households and individuals, and the second to enterprises.
Period: 24 April to 10 May 2007 Type of interview: Telephone interview Sample size: 2000 households / 2000 individuals Type of the sample: Two-stage, stratified sample Scope of the survey: Republic of Serbia (excluding Kosovo and Metohia) HH Survey info: 1
Target population: For households: the target population comprises all households with at least one member aged between 16 and 74 For individuals: the target population comprises all individuals aged between 16 and 74 2 HH Survey info:
The same sample was used both with households and individuals aged between 16 and 74 residing on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The response rate was 97% (1939 households). HH Survey info: 3
Devices used in households, Serbia 2007
Devices used in households, by income amount, Serbia 2007
Percentage of hh having a computer, Europe 2007
Percentage of households having a computer, by type of settlements, Serbia 2007
Use of computers (within the last 3 months), Europe 2007
Use of computers, by educational level, Serbia 2007
Use of computers (within the last 3 months), by age and sex, Serbia 2007
Use of computers and mobile phones, Serbia 2007
Percentage of households being connected to the Internet, Europe 2007
Use of Internet (within the last 3 months), by age and sex, Serbia 2007
Percentage of households having an Internet connection, by income amount, Serbia 2007
For which activities (for private purpose) did you use the Internet in the last 3 months? Serbia 2007
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Belgrade, 5 Milana Rakica St. phone: information phone/fax: Thank you for your attention! Prepared by Dragana & Jovanka