IST-2001-33127 WP2: Repository Content Bob Martens 2 nd SciX Review Luxembourg, 17 th Nov. 2003 IST-2001-33127.


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Presentation transcript:

IST WP2: Repository Content Bob Martens 2 nd SciX Review Luxembourg, 17 th Nov IST

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroductionContent Goals and objectives WP Structure Tasks Partners and resources Work done Deliverables completed Lessons learned Outlook introduction

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroduction Goals and objectives Web services are often trapped in a vicious circle. If a repository is empty, people are not motivated to enter their own data into the repository, therefore, the repository remains empty. The objective of this workpackage is to cut this vicious circle by providing an initial set of content that would establish the resource as a relevant one. Then the snowball effect would take care of scientists being personally interested in entering their work. about WP

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroduction Position in the project market watch (WP 3,4,5) state of the art (WP 3,4,5) inception & elaboration (WP 3,4,5) implementation (WP 3,4,5) dissemination, user analysis (WP 1,6) prototyping (WP 3,4,5) process reengineering (WP1) feedback recommendation, new business models content (WP2) workshop, publications website running services on Internet open- source software assessment and evaluation about WP

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroductionTasks Sources (how to get content) Analyse content sources in architecture Analyse content sources in engineeringContent Provide initial content in architecture Provide initial content in engineering E-journal infrastructure about WP

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroductionResults Deliverables from this WP Released: D5 Content sources and acquisition techniques Released: D6 Initial content architecture - CUMINCAD > papers on line (2002: 1.500) > references (2002: ) Released: D7 Initial content engineering > 900 papers on line (2002:100) about WP

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroduction Demonstrator: ITcon e-Journal work done Open Access Special Issues: Information and Communication Technology Advances in the European Construction Industry ICT for Knowledge Management in Construction eWork and eBusiness IFC - Product models for the AEC arena Virtual Reality Technology in Architecture and Construction

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroduction Demonstrator: ITC Digital Lib work done IT in Civil Engineering Construction-related publications: 900+ records (ECCE, CIB, Itcon,...) 900+ eprints (pdf-format) Open access (only sign-in)

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroduction Further Demonstrators: work doneCUMINCAD.ES Electronic Publishing (ELPUB) Filozofija Environmental Psychology (IAPS) Architekturinformatik (AK.AI) Raumplanung (RPL)

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroduction Deliverables updated D06 - Report (Data) D07 - Report (Data) work done

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroduction Lessons Learned Self-Organisation Initial support concerning creation of metadata is useful Well-equipped DL will attract input Content Analysis Setting up of keywording system with the help of experts Grey literature Support dissemination of specialised work Lessons

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroductionAcquisition? Provide templates Strategical Liaisons with individuals and associations Theses and dissertations acquisition

WP 2 (repository content) outlookacquisitionlessonswork doneabout WPintroduction Future sustainability Establishment of Advisory Boards Support research and analysis on the stored content Multilingual content Outlook