Learner Information System Module for Division ALS Supervisor.


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Presentation transcript:

Learner Information System Module for Division ALS Supervisor

Learner Reference Number (LRN)  The LRN is a unique and permanent 12-digit number assigned to a person who enters the Philippines basic education program  The LRN is intended to reference a “Registry of Learners” which serves as a centralized and authoritative database of learners’ basic information.  The LRN offers access to learner profiles in the registry and even performance data as he or she completes the program, whether it be in the formal or non-formal mode of learning  An LRN is issued to a learner when he or she registers in the basic education program either at the start of the program (i.e., kindergarten level) or when the learner transfers from a school and has not yet been issued an LRN

Learner Information System (LIS)  A system for maintaining the registry of learners aimed at meeting the following objectives  Provide a standardized registration system for learners  Track learner progress/performance  Provide learner information for better program planning and supervision of schools and learning centers  Enhance management of learner records

LIS Phases of Implementation PhasesScheduleTarget Outputs Pre-Implementation Phase – LRN Buildup Aug 2011 – Jul 2012 Masterlist of Learners in Public Schools & ALS for SY/CY 2011 Initial Registry of Learners with LRNs Phase 1 – LIS Deployment & Establishment of Learner Registry Aug 2012 – Jan 2013 LIS deployed in schools and CLCs Registry of Learners with LRN in Public Schools & CLCs for CY/SY Centralized Registry of Learners Phase 2 – Mainstreaming LIS and Implementation in Private Schools Feb 2013 – Mar 2014 LIS Enrollment Module operational in schools and CLCs during enrolment period Registry of Private School Learners with LRN LIS Module for Private Schools deployed EBEIS Integration Phase 3 – Expanded Learner Profile Apr 2013 Health & Nutrition Profile Academic Profile for CY 2013

Pre-Implementation Phase (Aug 2011 – Jul 2012)  DO No. 67, s.2011 – Submission of masterlist of learners enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools as well as ALS programs for CY/SY  DO No. 22, s – Adoption of the Unique Learner Reference Number  Centralized generation of LRNs  Dissemination of Masterlist of Learners with corresponding LRNs to schools and CLCs  Incorporation of LRNs in all records which refer to the learner (eg. permanent record, report card, ALS certificate, diploma, NAT results, etc.)

Phase 1 – LIS Deployment and Establishment of Learner Registry Phase 1 Objectives  Issue LRN to all public school learners: new entrants, previous SY enrollees with no LRN, Balik-Aral/Balik-Paaralan and transferees from private schools  Register CY/SY 2012 learners in the school or learning center  Update or correct personal background and CCT information of learners enrolled in SY 2011 and SY 2012  Cleanup invalid learner records such as duplicate LRNs found within a school or learning center  Automate printing of names and LRNs of learners in templates for Form 1

Phase 1 Objectives Deploying and Stabilizing the LIS  Facilitate the incorporation of the LRN in all records which refer to the learner  Generate summary reports which includes the age profile and total enrollment

Roles and Responsibilities Regional Director Ensure the overall compliance of the Region in the implementation of the LIS Report the status of implementation of the LIS in the National Mancom Regional Planning Officer Ensure that all divisions submit their data for formal schools on time Provide assistance to the divisions as needed Monitor and evaluate implementation of the LIS for formal schools Regional ALS Supervisor Ensure that all divisions submit their data for ALS on time Provide assistance to the divisions as needed Monitor and evaluate implementation of the LIS for ALS

Roles and Responsibilities Schools Division Superin- tendent Ensure the overall compliance of the division in the implementation of the LIS Approve the deactivation of LRNs as requested by the school or ALS facilitator Report the status of implementation of the LIS to the RD in the Regional Mancom Division ICT Coord. Assist the Planning Officer and ALS Supervisor in ensuring that schools and ALS facilitators have access to internet and computer facilities Provide technical support in the implementation of the LIS Provide technical support in managing the user accounts of schools and learning facilitators

Roles and Responsibilities Division Planning Officer Train/mentor the schools in the use of the online/offline LIS Manage the user accounts of schools Ensure that all schools comply with the implementation requirements of the LIS Deactivate LRNs as requested by schools and approved by SDS Identify schools which will operate in online and offline mode Conduct random school visits to check on the accuracy of learner data

Roles and Responsibilities Division ALS Supervisor Train/mentor the ALS facilitators in the use of the LIS Ensure that all ALS facilitators have user accounts Ensure that all ALS facilitators comply with the implementation requirements of the LIS Deactivate LRNs as requested by ALS facilitators and approved by SDS Conduct random visits to check on the accuracy of ALS learner data Issue LRN for learners enrolled in ALS programs managed by non-DepEd entities

Roles and Responsibilities School Head Manage the implementation of the LIS in their respective schools Issue an LRN to learners with no LRN and enroll them in appropriate grade level and section in current SY Enroll transferees to the appropriate grade level and section in current SY Enroll previous SY enrollees to appropriate grade level and section in current SY Update or correct enrollment data, personal background and CCT information of learners Ensure accuracy of learner data and integrity of the LRN

Roles and Responsibilities School Head Request DO for the deactivation of multiple LRNs referring to one learner and learners who do not actually exist in the school Ensure compliance of DepEd Order 22, s requiring the inclusion of the LRN in all forms which refer to a learner Manage the user accounts of class advisers if school opts to divide encoding by section Class Adviser Enroll appropriate SY 2011 enrollees to section handled Update or correct personal background and CCT information of learners

Roles and Responsibilities ALS Facilitator Issue an LRN to learners with no LRN Enroll SY 2012 learners to appropriate ALS program Update or correct personal background of learners Request DO for the deactivation of multiple LRNs referring to one learner and learners who not actually exist Ensure accuracy of learner data and integrity of the LRN Ensure compliance of DepEd Order 22, s requiring the inclusion of the LRN in all forms which refer to a learner

Persons Authorized to Issue the LRN  Public/Private School - School Registrar or a designated personnel responsible for maintaining the registry of learners  Community Learning Center - Learning Facilitator responsible for managing the CLC’s registry of learners  ALS service providers - issuance of LRN shall be the responsibility of the Division ALS Coordinator

Division ALS Supervisor Roles and Responsibilities

LIS Website  Official website:  Official practice website:

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators Guidelines  User accounts shall only be created for DepEd employees. Non-DepEd employees who are subcontracted to provide ALS services SHOULD NOT be given a user account to protect the identity of learners. The masterlist of learners handled by non- DepEd employees shall be submitted to the Division for encoding  DepEd ALS Facilitator is a generic term for DepEd employees providing ALS services

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators Guidelines  The Division ALS Supervisor (Div ALS) can create user accounts for the following user types : F-Full Access, L-Limited to area concerned Div ALS ALS Faci Create LRNLL Edit/Enroll learnersLL Search learnerF Deactivate LRNF View transaction logF User managementL Generate summary reportsFF Generate MasterlistLL

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators  Div ALS logs in LIS Main Page

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators  System displays welcome page for Div ALS account

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators  Div ALS clicks on the User facility in the Main Menu  System displays the Search User Screen  Div ALS clicks on Add New User facility to access the Add User Screen

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators  Div ALS enters User Name, Password, Description and sets the Access level to ALS Facilitator  Div ALS enters the name of the ALS Facilitator then clicks the Add button

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators  System creates the user account

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators  If the Div ALS wants to edit an existing account such as change the password, Div ALS shall enter the account name/description in the Search User box then click the Search button  System displays all users matching the search criteria  Div ALS clicks on the letter E beside the user name

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators  System displays Edit User Screen  Div ALS makes the appropriate changes then clicks on Edit  System updates the database

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators  If the Div ALS wants to delete an existing account, Div ALS shall click the letter D beside the user name to access the Delete User Screen

Manage the User Accounts of ALS Facilitators  Div ALS clicks on the Delete button to confirm deletion of the user account.  System delete user account

Deactivating an LRN Guidelines  LRN deactivation is triggered by a written request from the ALS facilitator  Div ALS reviews request and makes recommendation to the SDS  Div ALS shall deactivate an LRN upon receiving approval from SDS  The written request to deactivate an LRN shall follow the format found in Enclosure 2 of DepEd Order 22, s  An LRN may only be deactivated if a learner was assigned more than one LRN or if a learner does not actually exist in the learning center of the ALS facilitator  The LRN of learners who have dropped out, died or transferred out SHOULD NOT be deactivated

Deactivating an LRN

 Div ALS clicks on the Deactivate LRN facility in the Main Menu to access the Deactivate LRN Select Division Screen  Div ALS clicks on Next to access the Deactivate LRN Search Screen

Deactivating an LRN  Div ALS enters the LRN to be deactivated  System displays the appropriate learner  Div ALS clicks on the letter D beside the name to access the Deactivate LRN Screen

Deactivating an LRN  Div ALS makes sure that the name of the learner matches with the LRN being requested for deactivation  Div ALS enters the reason for deactivation and clicks Submit  System deactivates the LRN

View Transaction Log Guidelines  The Transaction Log is a security feature which records all transactions to revise the information of an learner as well as the user who made the changes

Viewing the Transaction Log  Div ALS clicks on the Transaction Log facility in the Main Menu to access the View Transaction Log Screen

Viewing the Transaction Log  Div ALS enters the LRN and clicks on Search  System displays the transaction log of the searched LRN

Items for Development prior to Level 3 Training of Schools and ALS Facilitators  Data entry for name of teacher handling a section as well as learner height and weight  Report generation of templates for school/ALS forms (eg. Form 1, 3, 137, others)  Report generation for the Nutritional Status Report  Offline LIS for schools that are unable to access the internet

Thank you