By Karen Diaz TechKNOW Associates
The New Jersey Core Curriculum Content standards by necessity reflect a framework for teaching and learning that responds to the needs of 21st-century digital learners by incorporating the 'new literacies' required in an innovation economy: the ability to effectively access, evaluate, and synthesize vast amounts of information; to apply knowledge and skills to personal, workplace, and global challenges; to work collaboratively in cross-cultural settings; to solve problems creatively; and to act ethically as citizens of the world community.
20 th Century Education Model
20 th Century Student
21 st Century Student
21 th Century Education Model
English Reading or Language Arts Mathematics Science Foreign Languages Civics Government Economics Arts History Geography
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Skills Creativity & Innovation Skills Communication & Information Skills Collaboration Skills
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Creativity & Innovation Communication & Information Collaboration Information and communications technology (ICT) literacy is the ability to use technology to accomplish:
Leadership Ethics Accountability Adaptability Personal Productivity Personal Responsibility People Skills Self Direction Social Responsibility
Global Awareness Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurship Literacy Civic Literacy Health & Wellness Awareness
New Jersey21 st Century Skills Goals To help students understand, connect o and act on critical global issues by integrating 21st century perspectives into curricula in all Core Curriculum Content Standards areas; To connect student acquisition of international literacies to real world experiences both in New Jersey and beyond state and national borders; and To enhance teacher capacity for 21st century teaching excellence through pre-service education, professional development and opportunities for exchange and study abroad.
Examples of Lessons that Include 21 st Century Skills