ECO PROJECTS Ploiesti municipality CONFERENCE biology teacher in Prahova county Eco Projects dissemination Sustainable mobility „Let`s do it România”
CONFERENCE biology teacher in Prahova county On 16 of september we participated at the Technical College "Thomas N. Socolescu at the Prahova county teachers of biology meeting. It was a real opportunity for information and discussions on municipality projects implementation, projects regarding the sustainable mobility and ecological aspects. ECO PROJECTS Ploiesti municipality
The Ploiesti municipality presented the project „Learning to be sustainable” and established the terms of colaboration with EcoTeam Social Association and Ecoterra Association (biology teachers from Prahova county) for future projects and activities related to sustainable developement and ecological issues.
„Let’s do it România” On the other hand Ploiesti municipality are very closed involved with Ecoterra Association and the Public Services Department in the national project „Let’s do it România” „Let’s do it România” is the biggest project with social involvement, which aims at cleaning piles of trash generated by people in all the country's natural areas in a single day. National Cleaning Day was September 24. In Ploiesti city the municipality together with the Prahova School Inspectorate and the Public Services Department organized this big event. We managed to mobilize a number of 300 volunteers, especially coming from the schools and high-schools from Ploiesti city.
„Sustainable mobility” On 22 of september we organized an information seminar on the topic „Sustainable mobility” and we presented the projects implemented in partnership towards a sustainable local development. We have participants (62 persons) from the Public Services Department, Prahova School Inspectorate, two important high- schools from Ploiesti, Ecoterra Association. One of the theme on the seminar schedule was Eco-projects. Schools projects presented: „ALUCRO - aluminum recycling project”, „Environmental education - health education”
Art in the lottery “Protect the nature”
„Sustainable mobility” The pupils aware that there are a variety of activities they may carry with pleasure, they observed that the time can be spent in a pleasant way and otherwise than by the computer or TV. They made posters and leaflets and proposed to undertake weekly such activities in school, outside school hours.
Thank you, Milena Perpelea Ploiesti Municipality