S YCAMORE S CHOLARS ISU Institutional Repository
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS ISU Institutional Repository for the digital information assets of the ISU community Promote sharing, re-use and aggregation of ISU and knowledge.
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS W HAT DOES IT DO ? Capture information and knowledge from all ISU members
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS W HAT DOES IT HAVE ? Contain only electronic copies
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS W HAT DOES IT DO ? Organize your materials by experts Provide Descriptive Technical Rights Metadata
W HY S YCAMORE S CHOLARS ? Provide direct open access– no ID required
W HY S YCAMORE S CHOLARS ? Promote information sharing Among ISU Outside ISU
W HY S YCAMORE S CHOLARS ? Increase access and citation rates Items are indexed in OpenDOAR ROAR
W HY S YCAMORE S CHOLARS ? Provide persistent identifier Permanent and unique URL Guaranteed For the long term
W HY S YCAMORE S CHOLARS ? Preserve your materials Bitstream Preservation Guaranteed Support intofuture No worry about storage space backups Regular maintenance
W HY S YCAMORE S CHOLARS ? Keep your copyright non exclusive agreement
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS H OW TO S EARCH ? No Registration or ID required Easy Search and Browse By Communities & Collections Issue date Author Title Subject
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS W HAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU ? Help scan your item Preserve your electronic copy for long term Organize and describe your item Deposit the item to Sycamore Scholars Make them searchable on the Web Provide usage report to you
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS H OW TO SUBMIT ? Simply register first Submit materials in a few blinks Customized submission form
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS W HAT CAN YOU SUBMIT ? Theses, Dissertations Journal Articles Books Conference Papers Technical Reports Work Papers Preprints Artifacts Specimens Data Sets Slides Lecture Notes Presentations Grey Literature Electronic research, education-oriented materials, … Many More…
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS W HICH FORMATS CAN YOU SUBMIT ? Text e.g. PDF, word documents, etc. PowerPoint Files Media (video, audio, graphics) Specialized formats (Mathematical workbook, SPSS system file, etc.) HTML web pages Many more…
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS O THER DIGITAL REPOSITORIES University of Cambridge, Cornell, MIT, Columbia
S YCAMORE S CHOLARS Contact Information Lucy Wang Digital and Archive Services Cunningham Memorial Library