OSHA Long Term Care Worker Protection Train the Trainer Program Part 3: Review of LTCWPP Materials and Content
Objectives Identify the outline of content for the LTCWPP. Discuss the key points for the individual sessions in the LTCWPP. Recognize strategies for combining topics or separating topics into smaller/shorter portions.
Introduction to OSHA: Key Elements Role of OSHA in worker protection and workplace safety. Impact of full compliance with OSHA regulations/guidelines. Worker rights. Recordkeeping requirements. Importance of employee involvement in reporting any injuries/illnesses that are work related.
Introduction: Key elements (cont.) Worker rights: Reporting of an injury or illness: Importance of individual employee involvement: Application of the regulations/guidelines to LTC:
Hazard Communication Standard: Key Elements Informing workers so that they can enhance their safety. Workers have a need and a right to know the hazards and identities of the chemicals they are exposed to when working. Protective measures to be used to prevent adverse effects. Material Safety Data Sheets. Labels and markings.
Hazard Communication: Key Elements (cont.) Specific chemicals they may work with or be exposed to in the work place. Material Safety Data Sheets: what are they, what information do they include, where are they located in the work place. Labels, tags, markings. Importance of not bringing any chemical into the workplace.
Bloodborne Pathogens & Prevention of Spread of Infectious Diseases: Key Elements Occupational exposure – skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or OPIM, resulting from work related duties. Concern re: Hepatitis B and HIV, and a host of other infectious diseases. Importance of standard (universal) precautions: Hand Hygiene practices:
Bloodborne Pathogens: Key Elements (cont.) Use of Personal Protective Equipment: Contaminated Sharps: Contaminated Laundry:
Bloodborne Pathogens: Key Elements (cont.) Preventing spread/preventing infections: Importance of prevention: Making it easy to prevent spread! Educational materials for workers, residents, family, visitors.
Electrical Safety: Key Elements Facts about electrical safety: Electrical shock and electrical burns: Grounding devices: Use of flexible cords and cables:
Electrical Safety: Key Elements Common electrical hazards in long term care: Safety related work practices in long term care: Importance of not bringing electrical appliances into the workplace without approval:
Walking & Working Surfaces: Key Elements Housekeeping: Aisles and passageways: Use of Ladders:
Walking & Working Surfaces: Key Elements Avoiding slips, trips, and falls: Response to spills on the floors: Hallway clutter, storage areas: Focus on strategies to prevent:
Fire Prevention & Fire Protection: Key Elements Fire facts: Exit Routes – basic requirements: Emergency Plans:
Fire Prevention & Fire Protection: Key Elements Procedure for responding to a fire: Fire extinguishers: Three components that lead to a fire: Class A, B, C, D fires:
Fire Prevention & Fire Protection: Key Elements Fire hazards in long term care settings: Strategies to reduce fires/risks:
Ergonomics: Key Elements Ergonomic Injuries: Signs and Symptoms: Ergonomic Hazards:
Ergonomics: Key Elements (cont.) Potential Hazards: Hazard Prevention/Control: Lifting/moving: Transfers/Repositioning:
Ergonomics: Key Elements (cont.) Bathing, showering, toileting: Potential solutions: Computer workstations: Reporting injuries/response:
Workplace Violence Prevention: Key Elements Definition: Data on violence in the workplace: Impact:
Workplace Violence Prevention: Key Elements (cont.) Risk factors in long term care settings: Recent Incidents: Importance of Reporting/Employee Involvement:
Workplace Violence Prevention: Key Elements (cont.) Prevention Strategies: Strategies to Support Reporting: Concept of Universal Precautions for Violence:
Lots of content! Consider topics that can be combined – bloodborne and personal protective equipment. Consider short sessions, to cover one part of one topic: What is OSHA, MSDS, reporting injuries, common electrical hazards, influenza prevention strategies, response to spills, etc. Use a variety of teaching techniques.
Keys to Using the LTCWPP Plan Prepare Present (using different approaches) Encourage participation Evaluate Make changes based on evaluation Share your successes!
Planning is critical! Need to plan the time and place carefully. Think short sessions, customized to the audience. Make the education fun – adults learn more, retain more when they enjoy the educational experience.
Make the content applicable to specific setting and roles Use examples from your setting. Have participants share examples. Examples from the literature and the news.
Questions? Suggestions or Comments?