James Hughes
What is Service Learning is a course-based, credit-bearing educational experience in which students (a) participate in an organized service activity that meets a community need and (b) reflect on their service activity as a means of gaining a deeper understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, an enhanced sense of civic responsibility, and/or a greater interest in and understanding of community life.
FYE Car Wash 08’ Car wash at Longhorn’s in Valdosta Raised money for American Cancer Society
Scaring Customers
Washing cars…
Washing more cars…
FBC Community Service Saturday March 29, 2008 Inventoried all sound equipment: mikes, mike stands, music stands, sound boards/ mixers, DVD players, TV’s, etc. Cleaned up several different area’s including the sound booth and music storage room.
Sound booth before
Sound booth after
Cleaning Up
Doing some inventory…
What I Obtained From My Community Service… Community service can be fun if you want it to be. A different satisfaction for doing something for free. A sense of responsibility and respect from the community.
Gained experience for my resume that I would have other wise not gotten. Most people do not realize how helpful that community service can be to others.
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