Number of people living in a given area per square mile. Population Density CORNER OF SERREMONTE & GELLERT Daly City, CA Demographic data © 2003 by Experian/Applied Geographic Solutions. This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies Marcus & Millichap
The number of people employed in a given area per square mile. Employment Density CORNER OF SERREMONTE & GELLERT Daly City, CA Demographic data © 2003 by Experian/Applied Geographic Solutions. This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies Marcus & Millichap
Average income of all the people 15 years and older occupying a single housing unit. Average Household Income CORNER OF SERREMONTE & GELLERT Daly City, CA Demographic data © 2003 by Experian/Applied Geographic Solutions. This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies Marcus & Millichap
Traffic Counts Two-way, average daily traffic volumes. CORNER OF SERREMONTE & GELLERT Daly City, CA This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies Marcus & Millichap
Geography: 5 Miles Population In 2003, the population in your selected geography is 378,758. The population has changed by -1.56% since It is estimated that the population in your area will be 369,447 five years from now, which represents a change of -2.46% from the current year. The current population is 49.14% male and 50.86% female. The median age of the population in your area is 37.7, compare this to the US average which is The population density in your area is 4, people per square mile. Households There are currently 119,852 households in your selected geography. The number of households has changed by -2.38% since It is estimated that the number of households in your area will be 115,414 five years from now, which represents a change of -3.70% from the current year. The average household size in your area is 3.13 persons. Income In 2003, the median household income for your selected geography is $68,468, compare this to the US average which is currently $45,128. The median household income for your area has changed by 8.89% since It is estimated that the median household income in your area will be $79,526 five years from now, which represents a change of 16.15% from the current year. The current year per capita income in your area is $25,671, compare this to the US average, which is $23,201. The current year average household income in your area is $79,868, compare this to the US average which is $60,600. Race & Ethnicity The current year racial makeup of your selected area is as follows: 37.92% White, 5.49% Black, 0.43% Native American and 38.69% Asian/Pacific Islander. Compare these to US averages which are: 75.06% White, 12.30% Black, 0.88% Native American and 3.66% Asian/Pacific Islander. People of Hispanic origin are counted independently of race. People of Hispanic origin make up 23.13% of the current year population in your selected area. Compare this to the US average of 13.79%. Housing The median housing value in your area was $341,812 in 2000, compare this to the US average of $106,966 for the same year. In 2000, there were 77,792 owner occupied housing units in your area and there were 44,984 renter occupied housing units in your area. The median rent at the time was $1,009. Employment In 2003, there are 128,403 employees in your selected area, this is also known as the daytime population. The 2000 Census revealed that 64.1% of employees are employed in white-collar occupations in this geography, and 34.7% are employed in blue-collar occupations. In 2003, unemployment in this area is 2.54%. In 2000, the median time traveled to work was 28.3 minutes. Summary Report CORNER OF SERREMONTE & GELLERT Daly City, CA Demographic data © 2003 by Experian/Applied Geographic Solutions. This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies Marcus & Millichap
1 Miles:3 Miles:5 Miles: Population 1990 Population28,278167,120347, Population30,896183,652384, Population30,419181,689378, Population29,710178,750369,447 Households 1990 Households8,83854,933117, Households9,36957,986122, Households9,11056,683119, Households8,73054,747115, Average Households Size Employment 2003 Daytime Population12,37048,409128,403 Summary Housing Information 1990 Median Housing Value$278,557$270,859$273, Median Housing Value$335,157$335,445$341, Owner Occupied Housing Units61.5%60.4%61.9% 2000 Renter Occupied Housing Units37.1%37.6%35.8% 2000 Vacant1.32%1.93%2.35% 2003 Owner Occupied Housing Units61.5%60.8%62.1% 2003 Renter Occupied Housing Units37.2%37.4%35.7% 2003 Vacant1.27%1.85%2.24% 2008 Owner Occupied Housing Units61.4%61.3%62.3% 2008 Renter Occupied Housing Units37.4%36.9%35.5% 2008 Vacant1.30%1.89%2.28% 2003 Households by Income $ 0 - $ 14,9997.1%7.4%8.0% $ 15,000 - $24,9996.2%6.3%6.5% $ 25,000 - $34,9996.2%7.1%7.4% $ 35,000 - $49, %12.7%13.2% $ 50,000 - $74, % 19.9% $ 75,000 - $99, %18.1%16.5% $100,000 - $124, %11.7%11.1% $125,000 - $149,9996.6% 6.4% $150,000 - $200,0005.8%5.5%5.7% $200,000 to $249,9992.2%2.0%2.2% $250, %2.3%3.0% 2003 Income Median Households Income$73,527$70,500$68,468 Per Capita Income$24,473$24,685$25,671 Average Households Income$79,448$77,471$79,868 Demographic Report CORNER OF SERREMONTE & GELLERT Daly City, CA This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies Marcus & Millichap Demographic data © 2003 by Experian/Applied Geographic Solutions.