IEEM 5352 Enterprise Integration Enterprise Process Modeling and Analysis Tool – INCOME4 企業流程塑模與分析工具 – INCOME 4 2017/4/23
Contents 1. Overview: INCOME process designer 2. Behavior Modeling fundamentals of Petri-nets sequence, preconditions for an activity, branching, refining (drill-down) detailed information for activities 3. Organization Modeling 4. Information Modeling 5. Linkage of Organization Structure and Behavior Modeling 6. Linkage of Information Model and Behavior Modeling 大綱 綜述INCOME process designer Behavior Modeling - 斐式圖的基礎 - 先後順序,活動的先決條件,樹支狀,精鍊(向下展開) - 對活動詳細的資訊 Organization Modeling Information Modeling Organization架構與Behavior Modeling間之連結 Information Model與Behavior Model間之連結 2017/4/23
1. Overview: INCOME process designer Modeling, documentation and analysis of business process 綜述INCOME process designer ‧模型,文件與企業流程分析 (object model, data model) 2017/4/23
1. Overview: INCOME process designer (Cont.) Model types: Behavioral model - define process & business rules: Sequence, Preconditions for an activity, Branching, Refining Organization model - Identify personnel roles & resources Information model - Define information/data structure 綜述INCOME process designer(續) ‧模型種類: - Behavior Model – 定義流程與營運規定:先後順序,活動的先決條件,樹支狀,精鍊(向下展開) - Organization Model – 識別個人角色與資源 - Information Model – 定義資訊架構 2017/4/23
1. Overview: INCOME process designer (Cont.) Application Type: BPR (Business Process Reengineering) Knowledge Management Application (software) Development Introduction of Standard Software Workflow Management Simulation Studies Process Benchmarking (as-is and to-be models comparison) 綜述INCOME process designer(續) ‧應用種類 - 企業流程再造 - 知識管理 - 應用發展 - 標準軟體的導入 - 工作流程管理 - 模擬研究 - 流程基準 2017/4/23
2. Behavior Model Pre-sales process Price quote 2017/4/23 流程之描述 2017/4/23
Basic elements of behaviour modelling Activities Portrayed as a rectangle Objects are consumed generated transported modified by activities. 2017/4/23
Basic elements of behaviour modelling Object store Portrayed as a circle Carrier for objects Object stores can Store objects Visualise objects Acquire states 2017/4/23
Fundamentals of Connections in Petri-Nets 斐式圖之基礎 ‧活動消耗物件 ‧活動更新在貯藏之物件 ‧活動讀取物件 ‧活動產生物件 (generates) 2017/4/23
Connection Examples Activity consumes objects from the input store (input connection) in the implementation Customer order Accept order Activity generates objects in the implementation and places these in output store (output connection) Print delivery note Delivery note Activity modifies objects in the connected object store in the implementation (update connection) Schedule order Free capacity 2017/4/23
Example 1 Chemical transformation process Manufacture of ethane Ethane is produced using hydrogen and ethylene with platinum as a catalyst. 2017/4/23
Example 2 Production system 2017/4/23
發酵粉 麥芽 麥芽汁 發酵 先後順序 若一流程中的某些流程步驟是必須被實行的,就能以連續佈置活動之方式來建立模型。活動與活動之間必需要透過一個物件才能連在一起。 2017/4/23
活動之先決條件 當活動執行時,需要 2017/4/23
Petri-Net Presentation (1/3) Concurrent: Activated by the same event. 同步:兩個或以上的狀態同時由一個事件所啟動 。 T3 2017/4/23
Petri-Net Presentation (2/3) Synchronous: Activity must be triggered by two events. 同時:若該活動需有兩個或以上之狀態成立,方能啟動 2017/4/23
Petri-Net Presentation (3/3) Conflicting: More than one activities can be triggered by one event. 衝突:當狀態被滿足時,下面卻有多個符合的活動等待選擇。 ? ? 2017/4/23
Conflict Resolution (1/2) PARTS ASSEMBLY1 ASSEMBLY2 PRODUCT1 PRODUCT2 Probability 解決之道-加入機率 PARTS ASSEMBLY1 ASSEMBLY2 PRODUCT1 PRODUCT2 70% 30% 2017/4/23
Conflict Resolution (2/2) )condition rule 2017/4/23
Business modeling process 2017/4/23
Refining: Drill-down 2017/4/23
Refining: Drill-down 2017/4/23
Detailed information for activities 2017/4/23
3. Organization Model 2017/4/23
3. Organization Model (Cont.) Detail information the responsible manager cost center resources (personnel, technical aids) a specific cost unit rate can be defined for every resource type roles: task-related group 2017/4/23
4. Information Model 2017/4/23
4. Information Model 2017/4/23
5. Linkage of Organization Structure and Behavior Modeling 2017/4/23
6. Linkage of Information Model and Behavior Modeling 2017/4/23
Process Modeling Case 1 Logistic Distribution Center (1/3) 2017/4/23
Process Modeling Case 1 Logistic Distribution Center (2/3) 2017/4/23 INCOME Behavior Model – Top Level
Process Modeling Case 1 Logistic Distribution Center (3/3) Store Merchandise INCOME Behavior Model – Drilled-down 2017/4/23
Process Modeling Case 1 Logistic Distribution Center (3/3) Process Orders 2017/4/23 INCOME Behavior Model – Drilled-down
Business Process Modeling Case 2 Gold bumping wafer company business process reengineering AS-IS model TO-BE model Final Comments 2017/4/23
AS-IS Organization Model Boss: CEO Divisions: manufacturing center and QC Center Departments: Equipment department, manufacturing process department, I.E. department, quality control department, document management department 2017/4/23
AS-IS Organization Diagram 2017/4/23
AS-IS Object Model 2017/4/23
AS-IS Behavior Model – Top Level 2017/4/23
Manufacturing Process Drill-Down 2017/4/23
Shipping Process Drill-Down 2017/4/23
As-Is Shipping Process Drill-Down Before Improvement 1 Before Improvement 2 2017/4/23
To-Be Behavior Model (Shipping) Improvement 1 Improvement 2 2017/4/23
E-Enterprise Visibility for Integration Final Comments Shorter workflow Fewer tasks in a given flow Time reduction Cost reduction Less man power E-Enterprise Visibility for Integration 2017/4/23