MODULE 1- GROUP 5 From the Industrial Revolution to the Postmodern Crisis of Capitalism Manchester: A Case Study in European History PETERLOO. A FAILED NEGOTIATION A One-Act Play
WHAT AND HOW? Task: script, recording and generation of a one-act play Objectives: - to illustrate the contradictions and social contrasts following the first phases of the Industrial Revolution in England - to develop critical thinking by comparing different social classes’ points of view Materials: argumentative texts, articles, Pc, the Internet, resources from teacher’s site
WHAT AND HOW ? II Text types analysed: newspaper articles, play script, novels excerpts, essay, … Methodology: Group work collaborative learning and cooperative learning: task distribution dead-lines setting drafting and redrafting Language awareness: different registers (according to class) different levels of formality awareness of the microlanguage (law)
SKILLS - STUDY PRACTICE - FEED-BACK Learning skills textual analysis reading/listening comprehension group discussion gathering of ideas selection planning interacting discussing drafting redrafting critical thinking peer proof reading generating a ppt presentation generating an audio recording public speaking Study skills and knowledge use of literary code critical interpretation of resources spoken and written production interaction ITC Skills Office (word, power point) Pdf Audacity, Internet surfing
FEEDBACK What we have learnt: developed critical thinking awareness of different perspectives in different cultural contexts and social classes What we could improve: fluency and pronunciation the analysis of quantity and quality of information What we liked about the workshop: stimulating way of learning socialized collaboration and learning skills the concrete result – our product (what we could do with the language)