Havelock Community Missionary Baptist Church At The Cross


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Presentation transcript:

Havelock Community Missionary Baptist Church At The Cross Pastor: Dwayne M. Shy Sr.

The meaning of the Cross: At The Cross The meaning of the Cross: A place of ransom. Jesus paid that ransom for our debt of sin. Mark 10:45, 1 Timothy 2:6, and Hebrews 9:15

The meaning of the Cross: At The Cross The meaning of the Cross: A place of substitution. Jesus took the punishment that everyone deserves. John 6:51, Romans 8:3, 2 Cor 5:21

The meaning of the Cross: At The Cross The meaning of the Cross: A place of propitiation (pro-pee-she-a-shun). Jesus perfect sacrifice removed God’s punishment from those who believe. Romans 3:25

The meaning of the Cross: At The Cross The meaning of the Cross: A place of victory. Jesus sacrifice defeated Satan’s hold on humanity. John 3:14-15, 8:28, 12:31-32, and 18:32 This is why we should not be held in bondage……… Being there is one thing, staying there is something totally different.

The meaning of the Cross: At The Cross The meaning of the Cross: A place of beginning. Jesus shed blood began the church. Acts 20:28 This is why we should not have in-effective churches. As long as Christ is the head of the church….and not the Pastor, or the Deacons, or some committee…..That church will do what God has purposed it to do.

The meaning of the Cross: At The Cross The meaning of the Cross: A place of ending. Jesus’ sacrifice ended all other sacrifices for sin. Hebrews Chapters 8-10

The meaning of the Cross: At The Cross The meaning of the Cross: A place of separation. Jesus’ death is the basis on which God sets apart a people to be a holy community. 1 Peter 1:2, 18-25, 1 Peter 2:1-11

The meaning of the Cross: At The Cross The meaning of the Cross: A place of mediation. Jesus’ became mediator between sinful humanity and holy God. Galatians 3:13, 19-20

The meaning of the Cross: At The Cross The meaning of the Cross: A place of reconciliation. Jesus’ reconciled God and sinners, and He reconciled Jews and Gentiles. Romans 5:8-11, 2 Cor 5:20-21, Eph 2:11-22, Col 1:21-22, and 2:11-15

The meaning of the Cross: At The Cross The meaning of the Cross: A place of justification. Jesus’ death makes it possible for God to declare believers righteous before Him. Romans 3:21-31

The creature murdered the Creator. The Creator saved the creature. At The Cross Two significant events at the cross of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The creature murdered the Creator. The Creator saved the creature. It was something shocking……The Death of Christ……and it was something wonderful…..The Eternal Life of man that took place at the same location…..Calvary Isn’t God awesome…..in how He pulled off such an event. Isn’t God awesome….in how He took a tragedy…..and turned it into triumph. We were sharing Sunday about quality soil…….and if the word of God….and the actions of God are not doing anything in my life……why do I consider myself….a part of the harvest? Who wants to serve a God….that cannot….or will not come to my rescue?

At The Cross Two significant events took place yet three symbolic facts were introduced. Rejection Repentance Redemption The body of Christ…….can all relate to the three symbolic gestures of the the three crosses at Calvary. We were all once in a rebellious state…….. We all have ha a heart of repentance………and We all have benefited from the redemptive cross of Christ. Every time we see the three crosses together…….we see ourselves…… Pastor how can you make this statement…..because no one was born Saved……..Holy Spirit filled…..and un-rebellious….NO ONE! We all have been redeemed because we rebelled….realized…..and was renewed……through the blood of Jesus. Let’s look at the first state of mind…….from s Scriptural point of view Luke 23:39

The cross of rejection is often found in un-repentance, and unbelief. At The Cross The cross of rejection is often found in un-repentance, and unbelief. This heart is hard, even unto the time of death. There is nothing that they would believe or receive relating to the Gospel. This heart is always rebellious and bitter. The heart of doubt and questions. This is that person (Like myself) who did not want to hear the witness of Jesus…… This is that person, who when they see you coming, they go the other way…..because they know that you will witness Christ….or they know that your life…and their life don’t mix……..so they reject you…and your witness of Christ. Now a lot of times….ignorance play a vital role in the heart of rejection…… Past hurts…….Past mis-understanding……..Past gossip…….these things too can hinder one from coming to Christ……..thus having a heart of rejection. This is a crucial one…… If you are saved….why are you doing what you are doing? If you are saved….why isn’t your God helping you?

This man….(on the first cross) died in his sins. At The Cross This is that heart which have no shame, nor remorse in the life that they live…..contrary to the Word of God. When one rejects the Gospel (the Savior), they are dooming their soul to an eternal hell (Rev 20:13-15). This man….(on the first cross) died in his sins. Watch something so unique about this person……look at John 3:18-20. When we realize…..and understand salvation…..it is enough to make you sit and wonder……how good God really is. You mean….I was on my way to hell…..and God considered me. Have you ever been foolish in life? Have you ever did some stuff….that could have brought you death……before you got saved? Can you begin to see yourself as cross number one……at one time or another? Sometimes….I hear people say….the only cross that is important is the One Cross……Why I am seeing three?……..It is a reminder of where you came from!

At The Cross The cross of repentance often leads to salvation, and there is always hope in Christ Jesus. The second cross is symbolic of repentance, yet it opened the door for reconciliation deliverance, peace, renewal, and a place in paradise. The cross of repentance demonstrates that whosoever will, can be saved. The cross of repentance reminds us to be careful…..who we throw away. We need to learn how to be sincere when we forgive someone. When we demonstrate forgiveness ungraciously ……that attitude can drive someone back to cross number one. If they say they are sorry…..accept it with the right attitude…….keeping in mind that you are not perfect either. At least they said….they were sorry. At least they came to you. If they are not sincere….it will eventually show……..we don’t bring it out, God will.

The second criminal did not have time to perform a religious ceremony. At The Cross We must keep a spiritual perspective of repentance in mind by not allowing a religious formation to pervert its purpose. Nothing religious should have to take place before repentance is demonstrated or embraced. The second criminal did not have time to perform a religious ceremony. There was no time for baptism……. There was no time for altar call…….. There was no time for a confession…….but there was time for redemption.

At The Cross True sorrow and repentance is demonstrated when the repentance is noted in the heart and the mind of the person (2 Cor 7:12). The second criminal had a sincere change of heart, not just because he was a criminal, but because he realized who Christ was. Thus, we should always be prepared to be a an effective witness for Christ. This criminal had two reasons to repent. He was a criminal caught in the act. He too mocked Jesus along with the other criminal…and religious leaders…….Turn to Matt 27:41-44, and Mark 15:31-32) His heart went from mocking Jesus…..to recognizing Him. If we left reading the Scriptures to just one source…..we would not see the changed heart of this criminal. Matthew….and Mark, do not tell of repentance……in this story.

At The Cross Effective witnessing can cause someone to look beyond “right now shame”….and towards the coming Glory of God. Effective witnessing can cause someone to fear God and turn towards Christ. Effective witnessing can cause someone's faith to rise above one who is seasoned. How was this second man’s faith stronger than the disciples that followed him? Look at what he said…..in verse 42: “remember me when thou comest in to your kingdom”……..He asked…and he received! Stay with me….. …….and if you ask Pastor Raby……I believe that God favored this man….not just because he repented and received Christ……but because of his faith…….about Christ being the redeemer and Eternal King of Israel! Now look at Luke 24:18-21…….at least the thief saw further into who Christ was….than those who knew about Him Can you see yourself….as cross number two? I believe this man had a praying relative who knew Christ as Savior.

At The Cross Ransom, by means of a price. The cross of redemption demonstrates that we are not able or qualified to save ourselves. It is that place where someone took our place for sin; yet He offered us an opportunity to call upon Him for salvation. The cross of redemption took special qualifications, of which we could not qualify. At this cross….even Jesus worst enemy could not find fault in Him. What they did….was confirmed that He was qualified…..sinless…..but yet He bared our sins…… If we could save our self…..there would be no need for a third cross.

Redemption occurred when true repentance was released. At The Cross Redemption occurred when true repentance was released. Redemption occurred when it was sought. Redemption was given, because it is the will of God…..that no man shall perish. 2 Ptr 3:8-9 Redemption was bound to happen………What we see with the three crosses is why……how…..and when it will happen. Let me tell you something……Don’t ever wait for someone else’s approval to get forgiven……delivered…..or redeemed…… It is all yours for the taking. Imagine what could have happened to the second criminal…had he allowed his heart to stay in the same condition. The same applies to altar call…..you sitting trying to figure out……who will judge you….or what will somebody think of you…… You better bring that thing to the altar…and get it fixed! I don’t care what you are thinking…..concerning me…..I have an issue, and the redeemer is standing by. I will see you after I get delivered!

At The Cross Redemption is the Just dying for the unjust. Redemption is the way to heaven (John 14:6). Redemption demonstrates the awesome love of God to all people (John 15:13). Redemption is symbolic of beauty, joy, and rest (2 Cor 12:4; Rev 2:7). We can now see…..how important for us to see those three crosses. One can easily say……from this way…..to that way. The three crosses….gives us an opportunity to take ownership…….of our short comings……and the second coming of Christ….. …..I was a sinner….I now repent……and look towards Christ as my redeemer….and have hope……in His second coming. But the…….some people can look at the three crosses……and have yet to make it to cross number two…….let alone the cross of redemption. With the beauty…….in contrast I saw…..an ugly me With the joy……..in contrast I saw an unhappy me…..and With the rest……in contrast I saw a restless me

At The Cross The cross of redemption gave all who believed direct and intimate access to God like never before (Matt 27:50-51). The cross of redemption did not just save….but it gave as well. Victory, light, power, revelation, ministry, hope, gifts, purpose, etc. The cross of redemption brought no burdens, no pains, no sickness, no evils, no wickedness…..only love. No more Priest to bless you….and confess to. No more rituals….or yearly waiting period to get access to God. The only harsh thing that the cross of redemption brought unto the life of man…..was light……..and even today, some still cannot stand it.

Where are you in this symbol? At The Cross Where are you in this symbol? The ideal place to be…..is in the center…….Redeemed! Pastor, what is this thing called paradise?…….I knew you were going to ask me that.

God’s dwelling place. The very presence of God. At The Cross Paradise: A place or sight of beauty. A prominent position. A place or position of honor. God’s dwelling place. The very presence of God. With Christ, this position is in heaven. From Captivity to Paradise. Let’s look at a few passages of Scripture to get an idea of where we are going. 2 Cor 12:2-4………We see it also in Luke 16:22 “Bosom of Abraham”…is that of Paradise. See also 1 Thes 4:15-17 Captive set free Isa 42:5-7 Matt 12:40 Eph 4:8-10 Held captive….until Christ visits Hades and set them free……. This happening just prior to His resurrection. After His resurrection, their souls will ascend with Him into heaven……Paradise. Our souls will enter into glory upon our death……and we will rise at His second coming. Why don’t we have to wait like the other righteous folks……because Christ has already triumphed over Satan at the cross. Therefore we have a victory that our fore-fathers did not have…..in Christ Jesus. Col 2:11-15

The clouds; Gen 1:8; Ps 77:17-18, and 104:1-3. At The Cross The Three heavens: The clouds; Gen 1:8; Ps 77:17-18, and 104:1-3. The outer space; Gen 15:5; 22:17; Isa 13:10. The place. Heaven; Gen 1:1; Isa 14:12-14, and 66:1; Rev 21:2, 10 We can relate paradise with all of these Scriptures.

WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE? At The Cross  WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE? The one thing that will keep WOGCC is the Grace of God. You often hear me thank God for His Mercy and Grace, without it, we will not last.