Teacher in Residence January 26, 2009 Please sign in and sit with your table group Keep your reflection homework for now… Turn in your TWS – Lesson Plan Reflections and Unit Analysis
Agenda Housekeeping Objectives Instruction Warm-up Direct Instruction/Guided Practice Independent Practice Closure Homework
Housekeeping CSAP Dates: Please let me know as soon as you know February 9 th class will be held at the Adams 12 School District Conference Center Adams 12 Five Star Schools 1500 E. 128th Ave. Thornton, CO Reminder: Homework due dates are on your agenda. Please keep up with homework!
Objectives Candidates will know the various levels of student engagement to be able to assess engagement in their classrooms and ultimately increase authentic engagement in their classrooms. Candidates will develop reflective practices to become more consciously competent in their instruction. Candidates will know the rationale for differentiated instruction to be able to explain why it is important to plan differentiated lessons in their classrooms.
Warm-up In a round robin format, share your reflections of the Pathways strategies you implemented during the past two weeks with your group. Turn these in when you are finished.
Instruction – Learner Engagement In order to effectively engage students in the learning process, teachers need to organize productive learning environments. As a teacher, how do you facilitate this? In your small group (2-3) you will be assigned one of the Eight Learning Patterns (Pathways pp. 4-8). Brainstorm things you can do as a teacher to produce a learning- focused classroom.
Instruction – Learner Engagement As groups share their ideas/strategies, take notes on the note catcher form.
Instruction – Learner Engagement How engaged are your students? Using the class list you brought as a “sample”, read over the handout ‘Learner Engagement’. Assign a number (1-5) to each student that represents your impression of each students’ general level of engagement. Assign a number (1-3) that best represents the general engagement level of this class.
Instruction – Learner Engagement What we know: We know that Learner Engagement is directly affected by the teacher! We know that master teachers are “consciously competent” – meaning they know why they do what they do when they do it. Read over “10 Critical Qualities of Student Work”. Place a + by the qualities you consider in place and a √ by the qualities you’d like to put more emphasis on in your classroom.
Bottom Line The consciously competent teacher proactively PLANS lessons based on the content/objectives and the skills/strategy/processes students need to experience in order to obtain a high level of student engagement! Hint.. they aren’t ‘winging’ it- they have moved beyond survival!
How can I become a consciously competent teacher? Can you identify the tool you have been using all of first semester that is the ‘secret’ to becoming a consciously competent teacher?
The Lesson Plan! Let’s look at where we proactively, consciously plan for learning experiences within the lesson planning template. When consciously planning you need to consider.. 1. The learning objective WHICH will then move your thinking toward 2. The phase of instruction and the strategies/activities you will use to achieve the objective AND what role you have within the classroom WHICH will then move your thinking toward 3. How you will assess your students’ learning and the effectiveness of your instruction.
There are 2 things you can control as teachers: 1. Instructional Strategies: What are the different ways instruction is delivered? Which ones encourage student engagement? -Tovani, 2007
And the second? 2. Assessments: A. Diagnostic…tells us what? B. Summative…tells us what? C. Formative…tells us what? Which one is most valuable to you on a day to day basis? Which ones best inform YOUR instruction?
CONSCIOUSLY COMPETENT TEACHERS know/use the eight patterns of highly effective learners (Chapter One) Link new information to prior knowledge Engage with process and content simultaneously Access and organize information Require internal and external mediation Need others to articulate and elaborate meaning Employ cognitive and metacognitive strategies Resolve disequilibrium through inquiry and experimentation Search for and pursue personal learning goals
CONSCIOUSLY COMPETENT TEACHERS understand the three phases of learning and use appropriate teaching strategies and learning activities in each. Ch 2, p 11 Activating and Engaging Students need strategies to provide access to what learners already know, as well as strategies for organizing new information into patterns which will help them make connections and integrate new understandings. Exploring and Discovering Students need to have opportunities to manipulate materials, explore a range of perspectives, and grapple with complex issues. Organizing and Integrating Students need opportunities to integrate their recent experiences and make connections between the new information and what they already know.
Wrap-up of Pathways From Teaching-centered to Learning-focused Chapter 5 is a good one! Read on your own. “...your most important resource is your own willingness to experiment, your courage to take risks and your commitment to continual learning for yourself and your students.”
BREAK Please read the article “Teach Me, Teach My Brain: A Call for Differentiated Instruction” Complete the Reading questions Take a Break You will have 30 minutes...ish
10 minute Buzz In your group of 3 or 4, spend the next ten minutes debriefing the article, “Teach Me, Teach My Brain”. Use the questions to guide your discussion.
HOMEWORK Second semester Curriculum Map is due Feb. 2
CLOSURE - Ticket out the Door (Or: My formative assessment for the night) Based on what you have read in Pathways and class discussions, please write down the 3 most valuable pieces of information and/or strategies that you will take back to your classroom as you work toward becoming a consciously competent master teacher. Write your name on this too!
Drive Safe!!!!