Chapter 2
Expenditure is money that goes out of the household or business We must plan for what money we have to spend to make sure we have enough
Fixed Expenditure This is expenditure that stays the same every month eg. Rent, Mortgage, Loan Repayments, Milk bill Irregular Expenditure This is expenditure that changes every month eg. ESB, Telephone, Gas bills. .
Discretionary Expenditure This is expenditure on once off or luxury items eg. Holidays, Cd’s, Designer Clothes
Capital Expenditure This is expenditure on long term items/assets such as roads, hospitals, schools (things that last a long time)
Current Expenditure This is expenditure on day-to-day items (ie. Things that last a short time). Eg. Food, petrol, wages
This is when you buy goods that you did not plan too. Buy on the spur of the moment Eg. You go into a shop to buy a paper and come out with a drink and bar of chocolate
This is the cost of the item you did not buy. Eg, you have a choice between an apple and an orange, they both cost €1 each but you only have €1, so you buy the orange. The opportunity cost is the cost of the apple. VS
This is when you buy something that appears to be better value Eg. School bag in Pound Shop for €5 V’s Brown Thomas €10. The cheaper bag appears better value but is ‘probably’ poorer quality.
This is when you pay for something after you have used it. Eg, the telephone, you don’t pay for each call after you make it, you get the bill at the end of every two months.