Experiences Sharing – Engineering Technical Journal Paper Writing and Submission Shou-Shing Hsieh Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering National Sun Yat-Sen University Kaohsiung,Taiwan May 21, 2009 MEMS Labs MEM Departmemt NSYSU MEM Department NSYSU
A. Writing Originality Significance Scientific relevance MEMS Labs MEM Departmemt NSYSU MEM Department NSYSU Technical Journal Paper S.S. Hsieh ppt. 1
New/or novel methodology and improved/innovative techniques New findings and improved results MEMS Labs MEM Departmemt NSYSU MEM Department NSYSU S.S. Hsieh ppt. 2 Technical Journal Paper (cont’d)
Rigorously correct /completeness of the reported work Clarity of writing MEMS Labs MEM Departmemt NSYSU MEM Department NSYSU S.S. Hsieh ppt. 3
Technical Journal Paper (cont’d) Clarity of tables, graphs, and illustrations Brief and descriptive title MEMS Labs MEM Departmemt NSYSU MEM Department NSYSU S.S. Hsieh ppt. 4
Technical Journal Paper (cont’d) Relevant and adequate references Paper submission strategy MEMS Labs MEM Departmemt NSYSU MEM Department NSYSU S.S. Hsieh ppt. 5
Technical Journal Paper (cont’d) B. Submission Novelty and new Good English writing and expressions A good/proper journal selection MEMS Labs MEM Departmemt NSYSU MEM Department NSYSU S.S. Hsieh ppt. 6
Technical Journal Paper (cont’d) Decent/prestigious archival journals or publishers (long-standing tradition or current appeal, e.g. Philosophical Transactions, Springer-Verlag, …, etc.) Publishers with high impact factor (IF) indexed journals (e.g., Elsevier, Wiley Interscience, …, etc.) MEMS Labs MEM Departmemt NSYSU MEM Department NSYSU S.S. Hsieh ppt. 7
Technical Journal Paper (cont’d) Decent professional society journals or transactions (e.g. IEEE, ASME, AIAA, AIChE, ASCE, ANS, APS, ACS, IOP, IMech, ECS, SPIE, …, etc. ) MEMS Labs MEM Departmemt NSYSU MEM Department NSYSU S.S. Hsieh ppt. 8
MEMS Labs MEM Departmemt NSYSU S.S. Hsieh ppt. 9 Is it a technical skill or (<50%) an art ? (>50%) Technical Journal Paper (cont’d) MEM Department NSYSU