Software engineering Olli Alm Lecture 5: project management & workload estimation
Concerned with activities involved in ensuring that software is delivered on time and on schedule and in accordance with the requirements of the organisations developing and procuring the software. Project management is needed because software development is always subject to budget and schedule constraints that are set by the organisation developing the software. © Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Software project management
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Management activities Proposal writing. Project planning and scheduling. Project costing. Project monitoring and reviews. Personnel selection and evaluation. Report writing and presentations.
Probably the most time-consuming project management activity. Continuous activity from initial concept through to system delivery. Plans must be regularly revised as new information becomes available. Various different types of plan may be developed to support the main software project plan that is concerned with schedule and budget. © Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Project planning
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Types of project plan
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Activity organization Activities in a project should be organised to produce tangible outputs for management to judge progress. Milestones are the end-point of a process activity. Deliverables are project results delivered to customers. The waterfall process allows for the straightforward definition of progress milestones.
Activity organization Milestones example Deliverables example
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Milestones in requirements engineering
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Project scheduling Split project into tasks and estimate time and resources required to complete each task. Organize tasks concurrently to make optimal use of workforce. Minimize task dependencies to avoid delays caused by one task waiting for another to complete. Dependent on project managers intuition and experience.
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Project scheduling process
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Bar charts and activity network Graphical notations used to illustrate the project schedule. Show project breakdown into tasks. Tasks should not be too small. They should take about a week or two. Activity charts show task dependencies and the the critical path. Bar charts show schedule against calendar time.
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Bar charts and activity network Graphical notations used to illustrate the project schedule. Show project breakdown into tasks. Tasks should not be too small. They should take about a week or two. Activity charts show task dependencies and the the critical path. Bar charts show schedule against calendar time. Critical path: (a chain of) tasks that may block the starting of following tasks Critical path (Pressman): ”Tasks that must be completed on schedule if the project as a whole is to be completed on schedule”
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Task durations and dependencies
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Activity network
© Ian Sommerville 2004, Software Engineering 7, ch 5 slides Activity timeline (Gantt chart)
Workload estimation A set of techniques to estimate cost and effort required for software production How much effort (hours?) is required to complete each activity? How much calendar time is needed (when a task should be finished?) What is the total cost of each activity?
Workload estimation: productivity Productivity: How many ”units” are there to be produced? How many ”units” can be produced by a man in an hour? Complete cost: / total time taken
Workload estimation: productivity Productivity: How many ”units” are there to be produced? How many ”units” can be produced by a man in an hour? Complete cost: / total time taken BUT: software is always ”unique product”, cost estimation is hard and difficult (and often fails)
Workload estimation: productivity Productivity: Complete cost: / total time taken / total cost Productivity example, size-oriented metrics: Unit measure: lines of code No of units: Software size will be 10’000 lines Unit per hour: Developer codes 50 lines in hour Total cost: 10’000 / 50: 200 hours To code the software in a week (~40 hours), we need 200 / 40: 5 persons
Workload estimation: cost metrics Metrics: a measurable / quantifiable factor of the (software) product to be developed Cost estimation: Size-related metrics Lines-of-code (LOC) Size of documentation (no of pages) Function-related metrics Based on overall functionality of the software Function points Object points
Workload estimation: size-related example Lines-of-code (LOC) Pros: simple, explicit measurement unit One measure to whole project: LOC includes all other activities: requirements, design… (in other words, other activities are simplified / reduced to LOC) Cons: Quantity vs. Quality? Good code less lines Language dependent measurement (e.g. in Java, it usually takes lots of lines to code anything) Difficult to estimate
Workload estimation: function-related metrics Measuring the functionality of the code More independent from implementation language than size-oriented metrics Function-Point count (FP) No of function points implemented per person-month Function-Points: External inputs and outputs User interactions External interfaces Files used by the system Each function point has a complexity-weight E.g. external input: simple: weight 3 complex: weight 15
Workload estimation: function-point (continued) Unadjusted Function-point Count (UFC) Overall measure (one value) for the productivity UFC = ∑(no of elements of given type)*(weight) Function-Point count Result value depends (heavily) on the estimator Suitable for data-processing system, not so good for event-driven (=where no of inputs and outputs are hard to calculate)
Workload estimation: object-points Another function-related metrics Not related to object-oriented programming Object points is weighted estimation of Number of separate screens displayed Number of reports produced Number of modules that supplement / use database Object points Easier to estimate high-level software specification More related to user interaction than data processing Utilized in (the famous) COCOMO II estimation model with the name application points
Workload estimation Combinations of function and size related metrics is possible To estimate workload correctly: You should know your team You should know the problem You should understand what is the best (combination of) estimation techniques in the specific situation Previous, similar projects are the best source of information! (=experience matters)
Factors affecting SE productivity © Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering 7
Cost-estimation techiniques © Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering 7
Workload estimation – real world example Software company, located in Finland 1.Project group + senior expert in the meeting room 2.Go through the project goals 3.Project activities on the wall, every one on its own paper, size A0 4.Write down those activities + people who do them + their experience 5.Divide the group into three sub groups independent workload estimations 6.Walk through those estimations and try to think reasons for the differences 7.Final target: List of works that need to done List of workload
Workload estimation – real world example Software company, located in Finland 7. Final target: List of works that need to done List of workload Most commonly used figures: pessimistic approximation ( p ) probable approximation ( a ) optimistic approximation ( o ) Maximum likelihood = p + 4a +o 6
Project economics A person who has no experience with project / software work can’t understand where all those huge costs are coming from. Most of the costs are coming from labor costs = % of all costs = monthly salary, overtime salary, bonus, necessary indirect employee costs ( % of salary ) and optional indirect employee costs ( car, food, health care, refreshments) Others: overhead cost (work premises rents, phone, post... ), hardware+software costs, education, literature, traveling costs, project group support ( no active project work ), capital costs and contribution margin ( need to make some money ). If a new person is hired means about months salary. Adapted from Haikala-Märijärvi: Ohjelmistotuotanto
Project economics (continued) Rough estimate for software work: Calculate basic hour rate price = sum ( cost items ) / sum ( hours billing from customer) Billing hours = (all working hours) – (working hours that are “not“ directly customer work) Example: normal number of working days = 225 days = 1700 hours / person management and secretaries can normally use only 25 % their work directly in project. Working cost = project hours * basic hour rate Project price = sum ( working cost + other costs ( external services+ equipments..... )) Adapted from Haikala-Märijärvi: Ohjelmistotuotanto
Project economics (continued) Rough estimate for software work: Example: A small company, manager + 9 programmers. Programmers do effective work in projects, 75 % of their working time, last part is for education + old project maintenance work One person per year leaves the company and new one will come in. Salaries and indirect employee costs are = 10 * ( 1.6 * 2200 eur *12 moths) = eur Overheads, etc multiply by 1.5 eur.. Adapted from Haikala-Märijärvi: Ohjelmistotuotanto
Project economics (continued) Rough estimate for software work: 9 programmers, but only 8 work effectively in projects 8 * 1700 * 0.75 = about hours that customer will pay. Hour rate = about 63 euros ( / ) --> day rate = 506 euros If programmer does lines of program code / day one line of code = eur Our Java program that has code lines costs a couple of millions. COCOMO / intermediate model= 47 mm * 22 days/mm * 8 hours/day) * 63 euros /h = about euros