EARLY LEARNING COUNCIL AND SICC COLLABORATION: Addendum to September 30, 2012 Report on EI/ECSE Unique Complexities and Recommendations to Improve Service Delivery
What Are We Talking About Today? September 2012 Report Basics New Joint Workgroup Charge Workgroup Process Report Outcomes Next Steps
Oregon Education Transformation in Oregon Legislature passed SB 909: Called for a unified, student-centered system of education, birth through college. Early Learning System Transformation under SB 909: Created the Early Learning Council to organize a “high functioning and well-coordinated system of early learning programs.”
Early Learning Transformation in Oregon Legislature passed HB 4165 which included a directive for the Early Learning Council and the SICC to develop a joint report by September 30, 2012 that: Described unique complexities of EI/ECSE; and Made recommendations for possible ways to better coordinate and improve the delivery of those services.
Reconvening the Workgroup in 2013 The joint workgroup reconvened in 2013 to: Propose implementation strategies for five key recommendations in the 2012 report; and An additional sixth recommendation adopted by the workgroup during the course of the process.
2012 Report Recommendations 1. Create collaborative learning opportunities for EI/ECSE staff to connect with other early learning professionals 2. Expand higher education partnerships to create passionate and skilled graduates ready to serve children with disabilities. 3. Increase EI/ECSE’s role in Quality Improvement Rating System (QRIS)
2012 Report Recommendations 4. Create principles to integrate EI/ECSE outcomes into Early Learning System Outcomes 5. Identify federal and state performance plans that coordinate with the Early Learning Systems plans and goals 6. Include EI/ECSE programs in the work of the Early Learning Division
2013 Workgroup Process The 2013 Workgroup used a facilitated process provided by Bill Lynch of Meeting Outcomes and supported by the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities. The 2013 Workgroup included three ELC members, six SICC members and two invited guests.
Creating Collaborative Learning Recommendation: Create collaborative learning opportunities for EI/ECSE staff to connect with other early learning professionals Implementation Strategies: 1. Create shared practices through integrated trainings between EI/ECSE programs, Head Start, mental health and the Office of Child Care. 2. Use collaborative consultation and coaching when children receive EI/ECSE services in typical settings.
Creating new, skilled professionals Recommendation: Expand higher ed partnerships to create skilled graduates ready to serve children with disabilities. Implementation Strategies: Include current and prospective EI/ECSE professionals in the Network of Quality Teaching and Learning which enhances: Leadership and responsibility in teaching Evidence based practices to improve student learning Recruitment and career advancement for teachers
Increasing EI/ECSE Role in QRIS Recommendation: Increase EI/ECSE’s role in Quality Improvement Rating System (QRIS) Implementation Strategies: 1. Train EI/ECSE educators to deliver specialized instruction in typical settings through collaborative consultation and coaching; 2. Reduce referrals to EI/ECSE programs by preparing Early Childhood educators to implement techniques such as: Positive Behavior Supports and Instruction, and Response to Intervention. 3. Increase shared practices and understanding of common terminology by providing cross-training to EI/ECSE and Early Childhood educators.
EI/ECSE and Early Learning Outcomes Recommendation: Create principles to integrate EI/ECSE outcomes into Early Learning System Outcomes Implementation Strategies: EI/ECSE outcomes should be considered and integrated when the Early Learning Council Subcommittee is creating measurable outcomes. EI/ECSE Outcomes measure progress in three areas: 1. Improved outcomes in positive social-emotional skills; 2. Improved acquisition and use of knowledge and skills; and 3. Improved use of appropriate behavior to meet needs.
Coordinating EI/ECSE and Early Learning Recommendation: Identify federal and state performance plans that coordinate with the Early Learning Systems plans and goals Implementation Strategies: 1. Federal and state plan requirements mandate that the Early Learning Council be included in the EI/ECSE state plan creation. 2. EI/ECSE will include the Early Learning Council in the process of writing the state performance plan and setting targets. 3. The Early Learning Division team, which includes EI/ECSE representation, will create opportunities to develop common language across federal funding streams and associated federal plans and reports.
EI/ECSE and Early Learning Division Recommendation: Include EI/ECSE programs in the work of the Early Learning Division Implementation Strategies: Include EI/ECSE programs and stakeholders in Early Learning System implementation, including: Professional development Program standards Outcomes Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Developmental Screening State performance plans
Next Steps All the recommendations from the 2012 report should be considered and monitored throughout the Early Learning System transformation. The joint workgroup has agreed to meet periodically in the future to offer implementation strategies as opportunities arise. An important component to implement these strategies is to look at shared resources to support the work.
HB 3234 section 36 (1-4) states: The State Interagency Coordinating Council shall submit a report to interim legislative committees on education that provides a recommendation about the appropriate entity to adopt rules and develop policy related to early childhood special education and early intervention services.
When making the recommendation the council shall: Consult with the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Early Learning System Director, providers of early childhood special education and early intervention services, parents of children with disabilities and other advocacy groups identified by the council. Ensure that the recommendation complies with federal special education laws, continuity of program rules and other safeguards established for programs related to special education and intervention services.
If the SICC recommends that the authority to adopt rules and develop policy be vested in the State Board of Education, the council shall recommend methods by which the board shall seek and incorporate input from other entities providing early learning services. The report required by this section must be submitted no later than October 1, 2014.