GSU Leadership Academy Middle School ELA CCGPS Overview Laura Kipp, FDRESA ELA Specialist
When we hear the word shift, we know that it means that something is changing in some way. Brainstorm how we use the word shift: shifting gears on a manual transmission, using the shift key on the computer, shifting our posture on a long trip, shifting our thinking or paradigms about an idea or practice…
RReading Text Closely TText-Based Evidence WWriting From Sources AAcademic Vocabulary IIncreasing Text Complexity BBuilding Disciplinary Knowledge BBalance of Texts BBalance of Writing
Literary example: The Giver (grade 7) Informational example: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul (grade 6) Content examples: Oscar Schindler (L 1000) and Firsthand testimony to Oskar Schindler (1170L)
This middle school lesson is focused on: identifying point of view using two texts and citing text-based evidence while reading closely and in conversations. Record what you see and hear in the viewing guide. Be prepared to discuss which shifts you noticed the teacher and students addressing. Classroom Practice Video Classroom Practice Video
Quick Write: 3 New Ideas About ELA 2 Actions to Take Right Away 1 Question or Concern shifting Jot thoughts on index card and find a partner to share with by shifting out of your seat!
Observable teaching and learning activities Not “carved in stone” but highly recommended to support CCGPS Guidance for walk- through checklists, informal observations, and monitoring quality instructional practice