Journal Why is self-awareness an important quality for a leader?
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Quiz Turn to page 38 and do the I POSSESS quiz. Turn to page 38 and do the I POSSESS quiz. You cannot use your book. You cannot use your book. 10 minutes 10 minutes
Lesson 16 Self-control and Empathy pg. 39 Objective Objective Understand the concept of “self-control” as it relates to their lives Understand the concept of “self-control” as it relates to their lives Understand the concept of “empathy” and its importance in relating to others Understand the concept of “empathy” and its importance in relating to others
Self-Control pg. 39 What would you say self-control means? What would you say self-control means? Write about a time you did not have self control. What happened. Write about a time you did not have self control. What happened. Write about a time you had self control, how did it help? Write about a time you had self control, how did it help? We all need to develop it. We all need to develop it. Your whole life is filled with choices about what to do and everyone one of them involves self-control. Your whole life is filled with choices about what to do and everyone one of them involves self-control. If you can’t control yourself, someone else will.
Self-control Again, if you can’t control yourself, someone else will. Again, if you can’t control yourself, someone else will. I value my freedom, and I would do whatever it took to keep it. If you really want to be free, you have to learn self- control. I value my freedom, and I would do whatever it took to keep it. If you really want to be free, you have to learn self- control. Freedom
Empathy On page 39, write about a time someone showed empathy towards you. How did that help? On page 39, write about a time someone showed empathy towards you. How did that help? Write about a time you showed empathy towards someone else, how did that help? Write about a time you showed empathy towards someone else, how did that help?
Discussion Can you see empathy? Can you see empathy? How can someone show empathy to someone else? How can someone show empathy to someone else? How do you feel when someone shows empathy? How do you feel when someone shows empathy? What does empathy have to do with being a good leader? What does empathy have to do with being a good leader?
Activity: Empathy stories Choose a story from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Choose a story from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Use a piece of notebook paper to summarize your story and answer the following questions: Use a piece of notebook paper to summarize your story and answer the following questions: How did you feel? How did you feel? Did you connect with the character in the story? Did you connect with the character in the story? Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever known anyone that something like this has happened to? Have you ever known anyone that something like this has happened to?
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