Ningbo Yinzhou Zhengshi Middle school Wang Yong.


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Presentation transcript:

Ningbo Yinzhou Zhengshi Middle school Wang Yong

1. 学生背景分析 2. 单元背景分析

1. 语言知识 2. 语言技能 3. 情感态度 与文化意识 4. 学习策略 I. 学习与 science 和 scientists 有关的词汇 II. 了解一词多义现象与合成词的构成 III. 如何就某一事物给予指导与说明 IV. 从正反两面对某一话题进行分析讨论 I. 培养小组合作学习的能力 II. 培养英语思维,调动学习兴趣 III. 形成批判思维 IV. 意识科技工作艰辛,培养创新精 神与实践能力 I. 单元归纳与整理 II. 正确的自我评价与相互评价 III. 恰当使用学习资源及课外学习 IV. 积极向上的学习态度 注重学生 “ 课前、课中、课后 ” 良好的学习习惯

1. 课堂教学设计理念 --- 任务型教学 2. 突出交际性 注重实用性 3. “ 教师主导 学生主体 任务基础 ” I. 情景教学法 II. 交际教学法 III. 整体教学法

教材内容分析 教学重点 教学难点 I.Warming-up & Listening II.Speaking III.Reading IV.Language Study V.Integrating Skills (writing) I.Functional Items II.Topic III.Word-formation IV.Key Words & Expressions V.Writing I. Given topics II. Extended topics III. Key words &expressions IV. Writing V. Learning resources

Suggested Teaching Procedures Period one Warming-up & Listening Period two Speaking Period three Reading (I) Period four Reading (II) Period five Language Study (Grammar) Period six Integrating Skills (Writing) Warming-up Pre – listening / speaking / reading / writing While – listening / speaking / reading / writing Post – listening / speaking / reading / writing Homework ( Creative Task) ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆

Step 1 Warming up Talk something about the subjects they are learning Group work: What do you learn about for each field of science? How are you learning these subjects? Class work: Enjoy some pictures with questions Step2 Pre-listening Group work: Is it necessary for you to do experiments in the lab? Class work : Do you still remember what your teacher often remind you before, when and after you do an experiment?

Step 3 Listening Listen to what Mr. Zhu is talking for several times, focusing on different subjects and contents each time. DosDon’ts Step 4 Post-listening Group work: List what you can and can’t do in a lab in groups. Individual work: As a chemistry teacher, make an announcement to your students to give instructions. Group work: Design the rules for the chemistry lab of your school in groups and put it on the wall in the classroom.

Step 1 Warming-up Daily report Class work(Brainstorming): Watch a video and list the words about scientific inventions and discoveries. Have a short introduction to Maglev train. Step 2 Pre-speaking Pair work: Read the dialogue to finish the form Group work: How to talk about new inventions Inventionadvantagesdisadvantages Maglev train

Step 3 While speaking Group work: Enjoy some pictures about some new inventions. choose one to have a discussion and list the advantages and disadvantages. Pair work: Make a dialogue in pair to talk about one of the inventions, using the structures mentioned. Step 4 Post-speaking Debate: Do you think cloning humans good to people all over the world?? Imagination: Do you think what you would try to invent or discover and why do you think so if you were a scientist years later? Homework

Step 1 Warming up Daily report: Share poems. Group competition: Name some of the important discoveries and inventions in different fields like physics, chemistry, medicine, biology and so on. Group work : A match competition. Class work: Questions Step 2 Reading Individual work: Skimming: ( right picture) Individual work: Scanning: (topics and details)

Step 3 Acting Class work: With all the equipment ready, one student acts as the host to conduct the other two how to make a kite as the one made by Franklin. Individual work: Tell how to make such a kite in their own words with the help of the pictures on the screen. Step4 Further understanding Pair work: Read to fill in the blanks in the form in pairs. Class work: True or False. equipmentusage

Step 5 Post-reading Pair work: Make a dialogue between Franklin and his son/ Franklin and a person watching the experiment Group work: Discussion Step 6 Oral practice Individual work: Tell the story about one of the experiments ever made. Class work: A story telling competition in class. Step 7 Watching, reading and thinking Class work: Show an experiment Individual work: Read the passage titled “Look carefully and Learn” and discuss some questions. Homework:

Step 1 Warming up Daily report Individual work: a tongue twister If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring? Or does he doctor the doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors? Step 2 Reading and thinking Pair work: Read the sentences to distinguish the different meanings of the same word. Group work: List the similar words and make sentences A guessing game

Step 4 Compound words the formulation: Part 1 + Part 2 = ? Class work: A guessing game. Group work: Guessing game Class work : Have a competition Step 5 Post-learning Read the text again to find out all the similar words. Homework: Step 3 Imagination Group work: Make stories with the words of different meanings gender

Step 1 warming- up Daily report: A short play Class work: Enjoy some pictures Class work: Comparison Step 2 Reading Individual work: Passage reading with questions Individual work: And if you were an animal, what do you think would say to humans beings? Prepare to make a short speech Group work: A group discussion about animals testing Group work: Discuss to find ways to solve the problems

Step 3 Writing Pair work: Discuss what to write in an argumentative essay. Individual work: Read the tips to have a check. Individual work: Write down answers Individual work: Join the answers to make a short passage. Divided into paragraphs and corrected Class work : Correct it with the help of the teacher Homework

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