Antigone Background
Religion The Greeks believed that their beliefs in the gods would make their daily lives better; consequently, they also believed that the gods would take care of them after death.The Greeks believed that their beliefs in the gods would make their daily lives better; consequently, they also believed that the gods would take care of them after death. Polytheistic The Greeks believed in many different gods and goddesses.Polytheistic The Greeks believed in many different gods and goddesses. These gods / goddesses controlled everything, from the weather to who won a race.These gods / goddesses controlled everything, from the weather to who won a race.
Religion As you know, each god / goddess controlled one or two things.As you know, each god / goddess controlled one or two things. Temples were built in each town for one god / goddess.Temples were built in each town for one god / goddess. Greeks sacrificed animals to honor the gods.Greeks sacrificed animals to honor the gods. The only temple still standing today is the Parthenon, built in honor of Athena, goddess of wisdom and war.The only temple still standing today is the Parthenon, built in honor of Athena, goddess of wisdom and war.
Religion All gods lived at the top of Mount Olympus.All gods lived at the top of Mount Olympus. Greeks would go to holy sites called oracles.Greeks would go to holy sites called oracles. At the oracles, Greeks and the priest of the temple would pray to the gods and ask questions about their future.At the oracles, Greeks and the priest of the temple would pray to the gods and ask questions about their future. Gods answered their questions using signs from nature.Gods answered their questions using signs from nature. For example, at the oracle of Dodona, you would write your question on a slab of lead then give it to the priest, who listened to the rustling leaves of sacred oak trees to tell you the god’s answer.For example, at the oracle of Dodona, you would write your question on a slab of lead then give it to the priest, who listened to the rustling leaves of sacred oak trees to tell you the god’s answer.
Setting Play takes place just before the Trojan War, about 1250 BCE.Play takes place just before the Trojan War, about 1250 BCE. Superstition was very strong and science essentially did not exist.Superstition was very strong and science essentially did not exist.
Government in Antigone Each city-state in Greece had its own form of government.Each city-state in Greece had its own form of government. These city-states were separated from each other and because of the mountainous terrain of Greece, travel from one city to another was difficult.These city-states were separated from each other and because of the mountainous terrain of Greece, travel from one city to another was difficult. This travelling difficulty did not stop them from fighting with each other often, however.This travelling difficulty did not stop them from fighting with each other often, however. Greeks were stubborn.Greeks were stubborn.
Government Bronze Age Thebes (1200s B.C.)Bronze Age Thebes (1200s B.C.) Sophocles explores social and political issuesSophocles explores social and political issues Creon has an authoritarian ruleCreon has an authoritarian rule Antigone is strong-willedAntigone is strong-willed He combines these to warn against the dangers of dictatorship and to highlight the status of women in Greek society.He combines these to warn against the dangers of dictatorship and to highlight the status of women in Greek society.
Government ● Creon is King → what the king says is law → going against him is punishable ●Though he can create any law he wants, he must still obey the gods.
Funeral Rites ● Rituals for the wealthy were extravagant. Gold and jewels were often buried with the repected and honored dead. extravagant. Gold and jewels were often buried with the repected and honored dead. ● It was believed that if you were not provided a proper burial along with appropriate rituals, you were destined to suffer between worlds until your rites of passage into the underworld were completed
Funeral Rites Upon death, the spirit of the dead leaft the body as a little breath of wind.Upon death, the spirit of the dead leaft the body as a little breath of wind. The deceased was then prepared for burial.The deceased was then prepared for burial. If the burial rites were not performed, that was considered an insult to human dignity.If the burial rites were not performed, that was considered an insult to human dignity. Women were primarily in charge of conducting the burial rituals.Women were primarily in charge of conducting the burial rituals.
Funeral Rites 1. Prothesis – laying out the body1. Prothesis – laying out the body Relatives / friends came to mourn and pay their respectsRelatives / friends came to mourn and pay their respects 2. Ekphora – funeral procession2. Ekphora – funeral procession Took place just before dawnTook place just before dawn Few objects were placed in graves butFew objects were placed in graves but they were marked by elaborate steel statues 3. interment of the body or the cremated remains3. interment of the body or the cremated remains
Role of Women Greek women had no political rightsGreek women had no political rights Controlled by menControlled by men Most important duty for city women was to bear children—preferably male—and to run the house.Most important duty for city women was to bear children—preferably male—and to run the house. Rural women were to tend to the agriculture: harvesting olives, fruit, gather vegetables.Rural women were to tend to the agriculture: harvesting olives, fruit, gather vegetables.
Women They completely ran the householdThey completely ran the household Many women were domestic slaves who cooked, cleaned, and carried waterMany women were domestic slaves who cooked, cleaned, and carried water Only in the poorest homes was the wife expected to do these duties.Only in the poorest homes was the wife expected to do these duties. They limited their time outside the home to visiting only their nearest female neighbors. Exceptions to this were weddings, funerals, and religious festivals.They limited their time outside the home to visiting only their nearest female neighbors. Exceptions to this were weddings, funerals, and religious festivals.
Women Antigone holistically rejects the norm for women in society.Antigone holistically rejects the norm for women in society. Ismene believes that women should respect their place in society.Ismene believes that women should respect their place in society.
Motifs Sins of the father are the sins of the child.Sins of the father are the sins of the child. Tyranny vs democracyTyranny vs democracy Conformity vs free willConformity vs free will LoyaltyLoyalty Law vs moralityLaw vs morality