By David and Darrell About the Circulatory System
Your Circulatory System is made of the heart, blood, arteries, veins, capillaries, and blood cells. Your heart pumps the blood so that it goes through your body. Without your heart, your blood would not go around and you would die. Your Circulatory System has some major jobs. It carries oxygen to your lungs. It transports nutrients for your body. It fights germs and removes waste. About the Circulatory System
The Heart and Red Blood Cells Your heart pumps the red blood cells, rich with food and oxygen, from the left side of your heart through your arteries. When it reaches your capillaries it drops off the food and oxygen. Veins take the blood back to the right side of your heart. Then, it all starts over again. How Your Circulatory System Works
White Blood Cells Your white blood cells do a major job. When germs come into your body the white blood cells kill the germs. The plasma takes the white cells to where the germs are. So they can kill them. That helps you so you don’t get sick. More About the Circulatory System
Platelets and Plasma Your plasma carries your red blood cells, white blood cells, water, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Your platelets are important, too. When you get a cut or bruise your platelets block it up. So you stop the bleeding so you don’t bleed to death. Even More About the Circulatory System
An adults heart holds 240 miles of blood. Your heart beats three billion times in a lifetime. 8 million blood cells die each second and the same number are born. Red blood cells live for four months. In a tiny droplet of blood there are 500 blood cells. Amazing Facts About the Circulatory System
Your heart beats 70 times a minute. It only takes 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body. Your heart beats faster when you’re scared or excited. Did you know that in your lifetime your heart pumps enough blood to fill 100 king-size swimming pools? Red blood cells make approximately 250,000 trips around the body before returning to the bone marrow, where they were born, to die. More Amazing Facts About the Circulatory System
To take good care of your Circulatory System you need lots of exercise. You also need lots of good food and water. You need to avoid getting hurt because you can damage your system. How to Take Care of Your Circulatory System
Your heart is one of the most important parts of your Circulatory System. Your muscular heart moves everything around - like blood cells, plasma, and platelets. To keep your heart healthy you need lots of exercise and good food. How to Care for Your Heart
Amazing Human Body CD-ROM. New York: DK Interactive Learning, Discovery Communications Inc. "Your Gross & Cool Body." The Yuckiest Site on the Internet On-line. Internet. June 15, Available: McGann, Andrew. “The Skeletal System.” A Look Inside the Human Body. On- line. Internet. June 15, Available: Scholastic. The Magic School Bus Explores the Human Body CD-ROM. Microsoft Corporation, Ward R, Brian.” The Heart And Blood”.Great Britain:Franklin Watts Limited, Bibliography